first step filing report

first step filing report


This is conected to a post that I wrote the other day. I was shaking,scared when I made the phone call to the police to make my report about my perp. This will be hard for this happened in another state. But at least it's one down and two more to go. I think that i am strong enough to do this. I calle and now I have to wait for an officer to call me. The hardest part for me will be giving all the details but I have to do this not for just me but for all of us and the many others that he has abused as well.He even tried to suduce my friend right in front of me after giving each of us a bottle of wine and the fact that we were only 12.I hope that he is not still a nurse for I would feel bad and some times I do for not being stronger to tell someone sooner. Bill
Hi Bill, not to long ago I went and visited the park where my rape took place. One look at the restroom where it happened at, and I went down to the police station to report the rape, I did it because I felt that the restroom was still a very dangerous place for young kids. Sometimes it takes us a long time to report these things. Also just as what happened to you was not your fault but his, if he molested anyone after you, that was also entirely his fault not yours. Yes you can and will regret not reporting him earlier, but try not to feeling guilty over it.
Take care,
Bill and Clifford I am pround of both of you for coming forward and telling on your abusers. Tom
Ditto on what Muldoon said there...
I reported mine too, well the second half of mine but nothing ever came of it. I like hearing when other people make reports, takes a lot of courage.

An idea that's echoing through this thread is the guilty feeling of "I wish I had done it sooner".

I'd like to knock that one right on the head, my friends. There just isn't any "sooner" time you could have done this. Sexual abuse is one of the most terrible things that can be done to a boy, and certainly it has to be one of the most disempowering. We are ashamed, confused, afraid, and we feel alone, guilty and worthless. How is a kid to tell under those circumstances? Does it get easier just because we grow up and become adults? We all know that isn't the case.

I think the simple truth here is this: When you report the abuse, THAT is precisely the first moment you COULD have done so. Sure, maybe it LOOKS like there were opportunities in the past, but isn't that just wishful thinking, or guilty thinking?

The perp who abused me died in 1994 so I had no one to report. Never mind. I am SO proud, and I feel SO vindicated, ANY time one of you guys speaks up and blows the whistle on one of these predators.

Sure, 5 minutes earlier, 5 hours, 5 days, 5 weeks, 5 years - all of that would have been great as well. But you did it NOW! And I am so grateful every time you do.

Much love,