First Post: Breaking the Code
Hi, long post, question at the end. Thanks for reading. My background:
I was abducted at the age of six from my mother by two sociopaths, who happened to be my father and stepmother. They were high function sociopaths and had the tacit support of the community for the extralegal possession of me, since my mother was struggling in her life.
They were also self righteous lunatics behind closed doors, intent on creating the picture perfect family, at any cost. The cost to me was the annihilation of who I was at six, and the brutal, perverted process they used to re-mold me into what they wantedthink Leave it to Beaver, and the Lawrence Welk Show mixed together and youll get the picture, if you can stand it.
I share a lot of the same type history with survivors of destructive cults or political prisoners the total isolation and control of my environment, the severe psychological and physical abuse, repressive enforcement of arbitrary rules. The memories of the physical abuse were more or less available to me, but really hit home when I was in a long term relationship with a woman who has two children. I was in therapy for almost seven years during this time, which helped keep my head above the surface, sometimes just barely.
Memories of the sexual abuse are more recent, in the past year. They are fragmentary; a mixture of body memories, feelings of dread and terror, and yes, sometimes shameful excitement.
My father and stepmother were on a campaign to destroy the bond I had with my mother, and even more important, bind me closely to them. They employed severe punishment for the crime of wanting my mother. They employed sexual and emotional seduction to bind me to my new mommy. It worked. Kind of.
I know the outlines of a great emotional conflict I must resolve somehow: terrible rage and burning anger towards my perpetrators, and loyalty/devotion/love towards my protectors. Unfortunately, they are the same people.
I also know that as I got older, my stepmothers sexual abuse towards me became more private and sadistic, as her marriage to my father became troubled. I am not sure when Ill be ready to face that particular terror.
So, reading the posts on this board, its clear that Ill be working through the anger, grief, terror, etc, before getting *true* access to the positive emotions (Im pretty good at the pretense of looking happy and relaxed).
A question for all who can answer: I have been in the place of anger and sadness before, but with no resolution. It wasnt fun, it didnt solve anything. I am willing to try again, but I need some advice on how to move through the pain and get to the healing part instead of getting stuck. Can anyone shine a light for me?
Thanks, SFChris
I was abducted at the age of six from my mother by two sociopaths, who happened to be my father and stepmother. They were high function sociopaths and had the tacit support of the community for the extralegal possession of me, since my mother was struggling in her life.
They were also self righteous lunatics behind closed doors, intent on creating the picture perfect family, at any cost. The cost to me was the annihilation of who I was at six, and the brutal, perverted process they used to re-mold me into what they wantedthink Leave it to Beaver, and the Lawrence Welk Show mixed together and youll get the picture, if you can stand it.
I share a lot of the same type history with survivors of destructive cults or political prisoners the total isolation and control of my environment, the severe psychological and physical abuse, repressive enforcement of arbitrary rules. The memories of the physical abuse were more or less available to me, but really hit home when I was in a long term relationship with a woman who has two children. I was in therapy for almost seven years during this time, which helped keep my head above the surface, sometimes just barely.
Memories of the sexual abuse are more recent, in the past year. They are fragmentary; a mixture of body memories, feelings of dread and terror, and yes, sometimes shameful excitement.
My father and stepmother were on a campaign to destroy the bond I had with my mother, and even more important, bind me closely to them. They employed severe punishment for the crime of wanting my mother. They employed sexual and emotional seduction to bind me to my new mommy. It worked. Kind of.
I know the outlines of a great emotional conflict I must resolve somehow: terrible rage and burning anger towards my perpetrators, and loyalty/devotion/love towards my protectors. Unfortunately, they are the same people.
I also know that as I got older, my stepmothers sexual abuse towards me became more private and sadistic, as her marriage to my father became troubled. I am not sure when Ill be ready to face that particular terror.
So, reading the posts on this board, its clear that Ill be working through the anger, grief, terror, etc, before getting *true* access to the positive emotions (Im pretty good at the pretense of looking happy and relaxed).
A question for all who can answer: I have been in the place of anger and sadness before, but with no resolution. It wasnt fun, it didnt solve anything. I am willing to try again, but I need some advice on how to move through the pain and get to the healing part instead of getting stuck. Can anyone shine a light for me?
Thanks, SFChris