Finding the man inner child wants to be

Finding the man inner child wants to be


I was reading Marc's "My little guy" thread, and it occured to me that we often talk about our inner children here (and it's great to do so), but we rarely talk about projecting that beautiful self into the present.

Then I started thinking about a dream I had about two years ago...I was out in the woods playing some sort of commando game, or maybe it was real commandos (I sometimes have these great adventure story dreams)....anyway, there was this guy there with me and he had the most amazing smile...totally free and easy and comfortable and ready for anything. I could tell the dream was ending when the wierdest thing happened. He turned to me and said, "Don't ever forget me!" Then he smiled at me again and faded away. I've never forgotten his face.

That's never happened to me before. I meet lots of people in dreams, but no one has ever realized we were dreaming and warned me about it before the end.

I was in the middle of working on a novel at the time, and it was immediately clear to me that this guy was my main character, but it was only after lots more work on the book that I realized he was my inner self, that untouched totally free and easy person I could have been.

He's become a real example to me through working on the novel. As I see him move around and respond to things, it's as though I'm watching my best self in action. It's very different from my inner child, who I also know pretty well. Instead he's complete, an adult like me, but perfected.

That dream was the coolest and most wonderful I've ever had. I found a friend in it who's never left me, and now when I work on the book, I know I'm making him a beautiful world. A nice gift of return.

I think that dream came out of a series of meditations I had been doing with my inner child. I would imagine him very clearly, till sometimes I could feel his smaller hands inside my skin, then I'd imagine what he would be like all grown up and without ever having faced the pain of abuse. I'd ask that new self all kinds of questions about who he wanted to be, what he wanted to be like, even simple things like what he'd wear, what kind of hobbies, all kinds of things, then I'd try to do them just like he would.

I can't tell you how amazing the effect of all that has been on my life....literally transformative.

Then I had that dream, and it seemed so clear and actually pretty easy to be that way instead of the way I was. After all, that self is deep down clean and easy with himself...he's never had to question himself in those terrible ways of abuse. So now my life is different (it's not super radically different, as it happens most of what he wanted I'm already doing...fortunately!! ;) ), but I'm so much more focused on it all and without the doubt about the rightness of my life that I used to have.

Anyway, I know that clean self is deep down inside all of us...he's the man the inner child really wants to be. And I've found that once you see him, like I did in the dream, there's no real doubt about where to go. He has all the right perspectives. He knows where he wants to go, and he doesn't look back. He wears your face, but the changes are so amazing... freedom is a beautiful thing.

Here's to discovering our best selves and letting go of the history that keeps us locked in old habits we no longer need to survive!

Danny, there are quite a few of us working on the inner child in the group. The inner child who was taken away. Or was he? He was muted, he had to deal with so much through all the formative years.

I have about 3 books on the subject, and it is amazing how you can reach your inner child. The books focus on how a child would be thinking normally through various ages in life, how to play, even how the inner child protected us, and let us survive our lives through to today.

When you see a kid, they can go through so much, they break arms legs, they even go through traumatic surgery for cancer etc., they make us adults feel so humble to watch how they go through so much, that adults could never go through.

I think the trauma of the childhood we went through was carried through the child, to the adult we are today, he protects us, he consoles us, he keeps us going through things, most people would have given up on long ago.

He looks after us, is it not time enough to discover him? He is there, he was hurt, but he does not want any more hurt. Discover him, you are already almost there with that dream, he wants you to wake up to who you really are.

When Marc talked about Mikey on the ceiling, and then proceeded to think people will think he is daft, no. I remember feeling I was out on the ceiling somewhere, because I couldn't ground my inner child to the experiences he was suffering.

The inner child, is the child deeply hurt within, but he is still there. He wants to bond with the adult, he is you, he is your inner mind, the one who wants to say, hey, I am still you!

My inner child is not so far away, I can see who he is, and who he wants me to be, he doesn't want me to be sad, he wants to play, and be him.

Find him, he is not so far away,

I struggle to be that man that child could have been. I have so many wonders or regrets about that. How would I have been had she not touched me and robbed something sacred and good. Jesus thought there was something special spiritually about children. Can we become those children again(or at tleast the adults they would have been)? I don't know that an exact match is possible because the abuse changes so many things. SO many oaths and paths and mis-steps have been taken based on the damage done. I would not have anybody suffer through what I have.

However we can strive towards higher goals and purposes. We can leave the rubble behind and build as good a structure as we are given the ability to construct. Some things are out of our control or were out of our control, but our future is in our hands.

Darkness reaches out in a myriad of ways. Sin overwhelms even those who hope strongly. the darkness devours. Yet there is light still. As I have been wronged I could wrong others, spreading darkness. But how then can I balance the evil done to me. Surely no amount of bad can balance out the scales already weighted with darkness. No! It is only with good and light that we can overcome this. If we pour light into the darkness, we can start becoming those men. If we let others know of the bad done to us and that we came through it, then we can help them through it. A burden shared is lightened.

I guess what my ramblings mean is that in order to remove the sorrow, stain, darkness, what ever you call it and become the adults those children were then it is not through bitterness(though I think there can be a time and season for that) but through joy and love. Love is the answer. Sounds like a hokey sound lyric until you put it in action. Love.

I am not saying any of this is easy. It has taken me 25 years or so to get to this realization. Probably will take another 50 to really put it to use.
Danny - I've gone through so many changes over the last 11 months, that I believe I am now starting to turn into the 'Adult Me'. I just hope I like who I become once I get there (I think I will).

Best wishes Rik