Finally , My Confrontation Letter

Finally , My Confrontation Letter


My dear brothers ,

As I have told some of you before I am going to confront the perpetrator who sexual assualted me . That person is my older sister (she is 6yrs.older).

I've learned from many of you that some have not had the opportunuty to confront or the circumstances where just not right to do so. I respect and am grateful for all of the excellant and heartfelt advise I have received on this issue .I dont have all the answers but am giong to go with my gut instincts on how to do this.

I am going to personally confront her in the presence of my younger sister . I am going to use this letter in two ways :
1.As a guide for my verbal confrontation
2.I'm also going to leave her a copy so she can read for herself the damage that she has caused.

I would as always appreciated your comments , suggestions and advise. I'm planning on doing it in the next week or so.

Below is the letter

Yours in solidarity ,


1. What you did to me.

Physical Abuse – *** for some reason you chose to take out all of your frustrations and stress by physically abusing me (beating me up) most of my memories of my childhood are bad. One of the most prevalent memories of childhood I have is a constant and all encompassing fear of you. I remember how you used to punch me, scratch me, pull my hair and kick me. I remember the bruises and lacerations on my face, arms and body. You were so much bigger than me. Why did you hit me so much? You have even been known to say recently how I was such a well-behaved boy.

Why did you hate me so much that you were always hurting me? What did I do to you, that you needed to instill so much fear in me? You did this to me my entire childhood and teenage years. I never had a sense of safety even in my own home because of you. I knew that I could not count on my parents, who did not care about anyone but themselves. I guess this made you the big guy on the block, the bully. Where you could say or do anything to anyone, without consequences. I remember that even well into my teenage years you made it a point that whenever you came near me, you would try to hit me either in the face or the genitals. You did this to me so often that any time you came near me I reflexively flinched from an impending blow. If your goal was to terrorize me than congratulations because you truly were a terrorist to me. Even to this day, I am in fear of you. Anytime I am near you, I am uneasy and nervous (I wonder why)

Sexual Abuse/ Molestation/Incest – Sometime when I was around 12 years old you began to molest me. This is when we lived at 42-13 78th street. It started one night in bed when you began fondling my genitals in the bed in the middle of the night. I remember being so scared, confused and paralyzed with fear, I did not like what you did to me, but was to scared to say anything or to protest, you had so much power of fear over me. You did this to me many times, why did you do this? What did I do to you? I wish you had just stopped there but that wasn't horrible enough for you. You then began to take my hand and put it into your genitals, I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. What if I had done something wrong would you have hurt me? I was just a little boy; I did not know what was going on. All I cared about was school and baseball in those days. I had no interest or any knowledge about girls. You forced this upon me from my intimidation of you.

Then many times in the middle of the night you made me go into the bathroom with you. You wanted me to have sexual intercourse with you. You put me on top of you. But I did not have an erection, how could I have, I was terrified to the point of paralysis and just an innocent child. You forced me through your intimidation to put my limp penis into your vagina. When you saw my inability to achieve erection you mocked and ridiculed me. Why did you do this, I was just a little boy? You were 18 years old. You were my older sister, somebody I was supposed to be able to trust. You did this to me many times. You also made me have intercourse with you in the car when the family was at the beach, I was so humiliated, and I was so scared. All this took place in a span of over a year. There may be more and I am sure with time more horrible memories with come back.

I took the opportunity to look through the New York State Penal Law and had you been caught and arrested for what you did to me you would be charged with many counts of rape, sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child and you would be looking at more than a 120 (one hundred and twenty) years in prison.

How it affected my life - Your sexual and physical abuse of me has stolen my childhood, teenage and adult life . You began to molest me when I was around 12 years old. I had, up until then, been a very good student, always doing well in school and in tests that I took. In fact, I had recently been tested for the reading comprehension test where I scored a college reading level. I started the 7th grade in an honors class. , after enduring sexual and physical assaults from you, my school started to fall and I was transferred from my honors class to a regular class. This started a downward spiral in my educational progress. The 8th grade I continued to do worse, the 9th grade I did so poorly that I was left back. My second attempt at 9th grade I was completely demoralized, confused, hurt and frightened. That year I got up every morning for school, got dressed, and made believe I was going to school. Then I would turn around and come back to the apartment I was living in with my Father. I was so afraid of school, the people and just about everybody. Nobody noticed or cared to notice what was happening to me, it was only in retrospect a classic cry for help. Which of course went unnoticed. My ability to sit in a classroom and learn, like others can, was stolen by you. To this day, I am unable to attend formal educational process.

Your abuse has affected my ability to be around people. Because of your molestation of me I became an isolationist. I avoided everything and everyone known or unknown. From the age of 15-17, I remember that I rarely left my Fathers apartment; I had made no friends in Astoria where my Father lived. This pattern continued on into my adulthood, and continues to this very day. An example, that you might remember, is how I for many years avoided coming to family gatherings. You can imagine how I must have felt that I would not even come to see my own family. Even to this very day, even though I am much bigger and stronger than you, I still feel like that scared little boy, nervous, anxious and with butterflies in my stomach, anytime I am near you.

Because of your physical and sexual abuse of me you have ruined my ability to trust and be comfortable with women. For many many years I hated all women and felt that they would all try to manipulate and abuse me like you did. This had a devastating effect on my ability to have good relationships with women. Which up until only recently I have been in one bad relationship after another. If I was to get into an elevator and a woman was to stand near me, I would get very nervous and uneasy. Is this normal? Do other grown men have this problem?, I think not. One of the lasting effects/incestual sexual abuses is the inability of the adult survivor to have a functional parental relationship with their children. Does this sound like somebody you know? And here I was thinking I was just a terrible person that I could not be a good Father to a daughter who loves me so much.

As you know,
I have suffered from clinical depression for the last 12 years. What you may not know though is how often I contemplate suicide and have nearly done it several times. Death is no longer something I fear as a normal person would. I see death now as a possible escape from the constant pain, anguish, self-hatred and all encompassing rage I live with every day of my life. I fantasize that maybe if I died that God might just give me another chance at life, a chance to have the normal childhood and adulthood that you have stolen from me. Logic seems to have no place in my decision-making. Since you did what you did to me, I have set a pattern of self-destructing anything and everything in my life, educational, career, relationships, financial, physical well-being and any type of productive life.

One of the early things that my sister Yolanda said to me after I revealed to her what you had done to me, was quote “this answers a lot of questions”, I guess she had always wondered why an apparently smart guy always self-destructed himself. As I said earlier, it was not enough that you physically and sexually abused me, but you also mocked and ridiculed me when I could not achieve and erection in order to please you when you were molesting me. You have no idea how badly this scarred me. I will however give you a couple of examples. When I did not go to school for the entire 9th grade, I would stay at home and masturbate all day, trying to achieve as many erections as possible, to the extent that I would do it until the skin on my penis would bleed, but this would not stop me. I did this also at 41-50 78th street. I would get up in the middle of the night go in the bathroom (sound familiar) and masturbate furiously until the skin on my penis would bleed. I also would take razors and cut myself in places where people would not notice (You caused me so much pain that a little boy would do this to himself)

I have felt that since you did this to me and to this very day, a sense of alienation of not quite fitting in or being like other people, I felt like a leper. Because of what you did to me, I have always had a very low self-esteem and low confidence in myself. I am now a dysfunctional person; basically I am unable to care for myself. Whenever left alone for more than two days I become disoriented, confused, unable to focus on tasks, unable to feed and care for myself and seethe with a raging anger. This anger though present in my every day life, something I live with, a constant companion, becomes uncontrollable when none is there to take care of me. You have stolen my childhood and my adulthood. You have taken my ability to lead a successful life. Unlike you or my sisters, who have relied on men to provide for and support yourselves, I as a man did not have anyone to do that for me, I was expected to do for myself, as are all other men. The problem is, you stole all the tools I needed in order to succeed in life as a man.

How I feel about what you did – I have really struggled trying to understand why you did this to me. Everyone including you have always said how I was such a well behaved boy while growing up, yet I still wondered, was it my fault, or asked myself many times what did I do to deserve this. I recently asked our youngest sister to reflect back on our childhood to see if there had been anything I had done to deserve such abuse. I guess it's the denial in myself, a low self-esteem talking again thinking maybe it was my fault, but I know now that it clearly was not my fault.

I did nothing to deserve this abuse. I feel that you simply saw me as somebody smaller and weaker without a voice and noone to protect me. Easy Pickens for you, very typical of a bully, picking on someone who cannot adequately defend themselves. I feel what you did against me was a cowardly act against a much smaller, younger and weaker boy. I have lived with unbelievable rage my whole life never understanding where it came from. I finally know the cause of the rage and where it should be focused on, you. I feel such an injustice has been done to me and nothing I can put on this paper will begin to touch the sense of loss of an entire life. Loss of innocence of the 12-year-old boy. The loss of happy healthy teenage years, the loss of a productive and successful adult life. I now focus this strong anger towards you ***, I no longer look inward as to the cause of my problems, I know now that you are the single and only cause of what was done to me and the effects it has had on my life.

How I feel about you – *** you are my sister, someone who I was suppose to look up to, to go to for advice to learn things from and most importantly you were suppose to be someone I could trust and someone I could feel could protect me from the world. I feel such a sense of betrayal and loss almost as if I had lost you to an accident. Thinking back I can't help or feel some of the same interests and opinions we used to discuss, debate and laugh about. Of everyone in the family you and I were most like Daddy. We always asked, why about the things in life and appreciated so much of this countries history. That is all gone now. As I right this letter I am both sad and angry, sad for the loss of a sister I once cared about, anger for the pain and fear you have caused me.

What I want you to do about this – *** you sexually and physically abused me when I was just a child. This caused massive psychological and emotional damage that I live with to this day. As a man I was to provide for myself, never having the luxury to have someone just take care of me, like you and my other sisters have had. This is what society expects from a man and there is nothing wrong with it. However because of your abuse and the trauma that came from it my abilities or tools that I needed to be productive and successful as a man were taken from me by you. I have been unable to attend formal classes of any kind since you did to this to me. This has inhibited my ability to educate myself.

I have been in therapy for the last month. My psychologists believe that I have been suffering from post traumatic stress disorder since the abuse occurred. From this disorder comes many problems, disassociation, self-destructive behavior, self mutilation, isolationism, the distrust of others; especially women, anger issues, intimacy and sexual problems, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts and an inability to be a parent, and I have every one of these problems. I have also been diagnosed with clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder with panic attacks. I am currently taking medicine in order to control the panic attacks and is very likely I will have to take this for the rest of my life, in addition I will probably need therapy for many years to come. Because of what you have stolen from me you must now take on the moral and financial responsibility for me to build a new productive life.

Nothing can bring back what you took from me and no amount of apologies can possibly give back that which was taken from me by you. My only hope lies with getting better and building a new life. You must therefore be the one that will make that possible for me.
This was very hard to read.. :( And I am sure it will be even harder for your sister to read. That is GOOD. She needs to come face to face with what she did to you!! :mad:

It is so great that you are going to confront her. I don't think I would have the courage. I think about it a lot, but I am terrified. Still under my mother's control. You are a very brave man to do this. I wish you a whole lot of luck! :)
I am glad you wrote as much as you did. Just writing all of this like you have (even if you never talked to her about it) is a very healing experience for yourself.

Make sure when you confront her that you have a plan to take care of yourself afterwards in case things trigger you in a rough way. Talk to your counselor and make sure they know of your plans. You might even want to ask your counselor if they would be available around that time should you need to call them for support. Just knowing they are there and available can be a big help. But through all of this, take care of yourself and keep yourself safe. If things get rough, you are free to leave at any point (or make sure you meet in a place where you can be free to leave at any time).

I've never spoken face to face with my abusers because it wouldn't be a good situation for me. However I have written letters to them and I have filed a written summary to the state's attorney general office of what they did. I did this so in case someone else comes forward, they already have something on file (since it is too late for me to press charges)..

Congratulations on taking this step and furthering your healing.

Dear Jack,

Your letter of confrontation is so powerful; you have done such an incredible job of expressing such painful awareness. Congratulations on such an admirable effort in the face of such devastating, debilitating damage.

Your sister and your family and many others failed miserably at doing their job: to love and protect those close to them. No one is supposed to have to endure what you suffered--especially not in our families. They are supposed to nourish and comfort us. They did not live up to their responsibilities and the negligence they practiced caused immeasurable harm.

You, in spite of incredible odds, are succeeding at accepting and facing the painful reality of your childhood. You are a success, Jack. I have no doubt that your efforts will save someone on this planet from abuse.

That makes you a hero....and you've just begun!

Thank you, Jack, for giving words to so much of what I have felt.

If I could reach through time and cyber-space I would find the child that you were and defend you against this horrible aggression; give the scared boy love and acceptance and most of all let him and you know that you are not alone anymore. No one can ever do you that way again. Because you are in group/pack of men who understand and will help protect you.

God bless you, my brother, for your incredible courage and strength in coming to grips with the nightmare of abuse. You make me proud and give me hope.

Whatever the ultimate outcome of the legal/financial aspects of your sister's abuse, your letter has helped at least one other man (me)
feel compassion and love for the abused boy we all still are. You have succeeded in that already; much more good will come from it, I'm sure.

Thank you for showing me some ways to balance my efforts at recovery and demanding recompense for the suffering caused by another. These are not mutually exclusive! Your letter has shown me that so clearly.

As for the law, I like this quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

"It may be that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching* me,
and I think that's pretty important."
(*or molesting me or others! dwf)

I wish you peace and freedom and love.
Best of luck, Jack.

My sister, who is 5 years older than I, molested me. I admire your strength and courage. And boy do I identify with the desire to be taken care of, along with the overwhelming feeling that I cannot do "the man's job."

Please be safe. I am crying as I write this. I hope you are able to find some peace.

And screw the evil manipulative person who did this to you, and screw the evil manipulative person who did this to me.

May our souls be held up and set free.

Jack, your letter confronting your sister is perhaps one of the more powerful things I have ever read. However, I caution .... don't expect too much that is positive from her. It sounds as if she was a very needy person herself, and I doubt that she would have grown into a significantly better adjusted adult. Not to minimize the trauma of what happened to you, but I wonder what kind of experiences prompted her to become a female perpetrator at such a young age ??? And does that leave her in a position to be able to respond appropriately to your letter. I am very worried about what kind of effect your letter might have on her. You, in fact, may be in much better emotional shape than her. I know that you have suffered as a result of her abuse, and I am glad that you are seeking counselling and using all the resources at your disposal to get better. But I am worried that her response to reading your letter might be so disasterous as to set you back in your healing efforts. Just a thought. I also wonder what responsibility we, the victims of SA, have in terms of the collateral damage our confrontations may cause.
Peace, Andrew
Your letter describes a life nobody should ever have to endure, and I feel for you.

It's taken all your courage to write that I have no doubt, and to hand it over will take courage you never thought you had. But I think you'll discover you have it.

Don makes a good point about things possibly getting rough. You must make sure all your support is ready, and aware, of exactly what is going on, and be prepared to use it.

Andrew also raises an important issue, what will your sister do, how will she react ?
It's tempting to believe that you just don't care, but the old saying that"blood is thicker than water" has a way of creeping up on us. A drastic response from her could result in huge guilty feelings for yourself.

It's one of the most heart rending things I've read on this site ever, it is very powerful. And with power comes responsibility.
Be responsible to yourself first and make sure you are safe and cared for, I have no doubt that the feeling of liberation and justice you'll feel will be good for you ultimately. But it's going to be emotional.

Thank you all for your very kind and inspiring words . Writing this letter was one of the hardest things I have ever done . I dont know how this will turn out but I do know that the light of day will finally shine on this horrible secret , this burden which I have carried for 26 years shall now be the perps burden , it is she who will now have to live with the shame and humiliation. It is she who must face my family and deal with what she has done. Whe I do this then I can say the following:


That in and of itself makes me feel so much better . Posting it here and getting your comments has been so uplifting for me .

Thank you my Brothers ,


Thank you!

Terrific letter and example for us all!



You are another of the great pioneers on this board! :) What you previously claimed as wreckless and suicidal, I've seen as courageous. The little boy in you has grown up to be a great man. Your words have provided comfort and direction. That you had the strength to focus your abuse history and use it to encourage others like you can only serve as one of your greatest legacies in life.

It's times like this I wish I could post the 'two hands clapping' icons! :D

Great job!


There is much that I relate to in your post. Only it was my dad who was abusive. And it was most intense when I was very little, because in addition to being alcoholic, he was a rage-aholic.
How I feel about you – Pat you are my sister, someone who I was suppose to look up to, to go to for advice to learn things from and most importantly you were suppose to be someone I could trust and someone I could feel could protect me from the world. I feel such a sense of betrayal and loss almost as if I had lost you to an accident.
Jack, this sends shivers up my spine, because it articulates the feeling I have toward my dad. Even though he stopped being overtly abusive when I was still a kid, it was more a gradual fading off, and there was never a true repentant change while I was a kid. (The sexual abuse ended when I was old enough to bathe myself) As an adult, I actually confronted him with some letters about 6 or 7 years ago. They were actually nice letters--because I was hoping I could have the dad I always needed. But I finally broke the silence about the abuse (but not the sexual abuse--did'nt have the guts to do that) His response was to be very sorry, and he didn't deny it. But it was more, I think, to assuage his guilt. He also refused to get help, which I was hoping for. So the subject was forever dropped. The difference is that he and my mom do try the best they can to be decent. But my emotional feeling about my dad? It's like you describe with your sister--almost like I lost him in a car accident when I was very little.

Jack, your letter is certainly hard-hitting, and I'm glad you've written it. I am concerned about how deeply you view yourself as a victim. It's understandable, certainly. But I'm afraid that it may backfire on you--in that your sister may get a wierd sense of pleasure knowing that she has all this power over how your life is. And that you may become "stuck" in victimhood.

You might find some great support in a local meeting of SIA (Survivors of Incest anonymous)

By the way, I recognize that you grew up in Queens. We lived in Bayside till I was 5. It was there that a lot of my abuse occurred :(

Take care, Jack.

Jack, the strength and power your letter expresses is overwhelming. You tell it all, this is very commendable and courageous. It has to be a relief to finally write it all down, tell your sick sister what she did to you and how it effected your life. i recently was somewhat able to do the same. Though my prep is dead, I was able to stand on his grave and scream out how this sick bastard screwed up my life. It was very hard and I almost did not do it. Today I am glad that I did, I feel so much better, I exposed the bastard for what he was a child molester, a robber of youth, a robber of the life I was entitled to.
I hope your powerful letter helps to set you free, to be you, to recapture some of the youth you lost. I recently went with my little brother (through the big/little brothers program) and flew a kite, I am 58 years old but tell you what that one hour and seeing the joy on his face and the kite climbed was priceless, I was able to be a boy again unafraid to be seen because I felt I was different, that everyone would know, that my activities would be judged "feminine".
Stay strong, be you, do the things YOU want to do, let the child in you be free.
Hi all,

*** maybe a trigger ***

When I was 19 or 20 I confronted my perp, my father, at the urging of my first T (this was back in 1979 or 1980). I wasn't prepared for his response that in the same breath denied the abuse and blamed/laid the responsibilty for it on me. What a nightmare that was.

Now, 20+ years later he's close to dying, has maybe a year left to live. I've discussed with one close friend and several T's confronting him again. It has always seemed to come down to "what's the point of doing it" for me. Nothing he could say would really have much meaning to me. Even if he took complete responsibility and apologized for being a miserable excuse of a father it wouldn't change anything. I can't imagine healing for me coming from that most optimistic of possible outcomes.

I could be wrong about this.

I feel zero love for him. I don't even hate him for what he did. I just feel a great sadness for never having had a father who loved me and I loved him and looked up to him and could count on him to protect and guide me. I've got few positive memories of him from my childhood, none of him holding me, playing with me, comforting me or doing any of the "typical ""normal"" father son stuff.

I suppose it's possible he "loves" me, as his only son, in some limited, dysfunctional way. But since I stopped the abuse at age 15 or so, I never expected to get anything worthwhile from him.

What I am looking forward to is going to his grave and stomping on it and telling his bones how much he hurt me and how much I hate what he did to me. It will also be where I can do some more grieving, getting out those feelings from my lost childhood.

Maybe when he's dead I'll be able to forgive him. I can't do it now. What I can do and keep trying to do is forgive myself. I can put the blame and responsibilty where it belongs, on him not me. A while back there was a lot of discussion here about forgiveness, for me it was learning about what it is, for me it's about making/finding peace with one's self and letting go of the past.

If I were to confront him now, I envision it as mostly an act of retribution, payback, getting revenge. I don't want to do that because it would lower me to his level, making me an abuser in a way.

Does this make any sense???

eeeiiii... this turned into more than I expected to write. I welcome any thoughts.

Hiya Guy43,

Whats the point is that he was dead wrong man! He has to know what he did, and he should be told that what he did caused a lotta shit for you. Kinda hurts calling someone like that your dad.
My dad says I liked it and that its normal and stuff. yeah right. Sure its normal that made my brother fuck me. Happens in every family, right?
He also tells me that it was my fault, I was just not a real boy, not doing the cool stuff boys are supposed to do.

I am going to tell my family what they did and how I feel about them. I dont want any money from them or anything else. I manage ok without them.
Just kinda hurts my asshole brother still lives at home from their money, gets whatever he wants and dont even have a job.

The point of it is its only normal to tell an asshole he is one, and then let them deal with it.

My revenge is that they will never have any respect again from anybody. A 31 year old fat asshole and a drunk. Everybody hates them, no one trusts them. Just let them rot.

Glad I am not the one cleaning up their mess anymore.

WOW! I had to read this several times before I could reply to it. What powerful words, good luck. Let us know how it goes. Yes you are free arent? Funny feeling "freedom". Be strong my brother wolf.