Filtering through my mind

Filtering through my mind


This is what I just posted to my yahoo group on Encouragement & Inspiration. It is something that is a result of issues that I deal with as a survivor, so I felt it was very appropiate to post here.

Today, I did chair massage at the local children's hospital which I do once a week. I was working on a room full of people who were stressed out and had been sleeping at the hospital because they lived quite a distance away. One guy in particular got the chair massage and when I was done, he asked me how long I had been doing this. I told him and he exclaimed, "you've really got this mastered
and I guess you don't need this for practice". He may not have realized how big of a compliment that was for me because it blew me away.

And I got thinking about how much I actually filter through my mind. It is so easy for me to filter 99% of what someone says good about myself but when it comes to the bad stuff, I tend to only filter maybe 1% of it. So I am going to keep in mind, that if I find a new way to filter what I see, hear, sense, and feel, that my life may rise to heights that I can not even contemplate right now.

It is beyond awesome when I think about this....
Keep hearing the good. :D No need to filter that out.

Filter out the bs that comes along, because 99% of that is true bs.

Good Job Don,
I am very glad that you received that compliment, but I am even more glad that you were able to accept it. That is a huge thing, I think. You are very right, with how we overlook the positive things people do or say to us, but are so far ready to take in those that are negative. Maybe we should start a thread of compliments we have received from people that we haven't allowed ourselves to appreciate or enjoy! Thank you for sharing this.
