Fighting Mad

Fighting Mad


I woke up this morning ready to just go off on someone. I've never woken up like that. It scared me so much, it may have been and probably was because of all of this. Man I was about ready to hurt someone, not on purpose but because I had all of this in me. I went for a run, a long run and that helped a little. But later I was still anxious and pissed as hell.

Anyone else every feel like this? What do you do?

Back when I started working on my issues (the first time) I used to break things - like furniture. It wasn't very productive. Then, I started running, especially during rain. I would run until I could barely stand. I had great legs and lungs back then. I also used to yell - usually into a pillow. Yelling really helped because for so long it seemed as though I had no voice - no sense of me. You might try yelling. Running is good too. Push-ups and pull-ups are also good. It really helped me deal with all of the aggression and anger.


Sometimes there are days where nothing will be right. everything that everyone says or does pisses you off.

Just about the only thing you can do is remember that you are working on things that sometimes affect you in ways you don't understand.

Take a breath, know you are doing your best, and cut yourself a break.

take care,
Like Self_Righting said. Excercise is great. Today I went on a ten mile bike ride and then did some wieghts in the evening. It doesn't really matter what kind you do, just as long as you are doing some. Our bodies are very connected with what is going on inside of us. Eating well and excercising have been great help for me --- though I also admit I haven't delt with too much anger, just sadness.

I know eating is not always easy. I keep some protein powder and milk around to make shakes with. At least I'm getting something down, even if its not a real meal.
Good luck!