Fidel my childhood Hero Who was your

Fidel my childhood Hero Who was your


Ya at the age of 10 Fidel Castro had a special place in my heart. This man who would stand up againest anyone that wasn't for the good of the common man.Every once in awhile we need a good REVOLUTION to bring about change. He stood up againest BIG USA money who wanted to make Cuba their private playground.
It,s been my dream for 40 years to someday meet Fidel Castro and talk .
Who was your childhood hero.

I guess I grew up too suspicious of real people and too much in a fantasy world to have real people for childhood heroes. I had a variety of mostly cartoon heroes for my animated & transient life.

These included, appropriately for me, mostly lesser-known heroes like Ultra Boy, Element Lad, Chemical King, and of course Timber Wolf (Ooowwwoooooooooo!). And, naturally, Underdog. Also partial to Spider-man, certainly no typical super-hero.

My hero now? Taz!

And of course my fellow male survivors, including you!

What is childhood? I remember being a child, but not having a childhood.

In the last couple of days the thought has occured to me that I didn't really have a childhood. I never connected the lack of a childhood with the SA. I thought it was because I had to work in the family business. Now I know that it was because of the abuse.

Now I know why I've had trouble growing up--I've spent all this time trying to have my childhood. Maybe I can find another hero besides Bugs Bunny now.

i believe i saw some legionaires up there somewhere.

i read a lot of comic books now, never had the chance as a kid. i liek drawing, and use them as refernce, and every now and then i read them.

it's hard to pick a hero. i'll have to think about it, but i'm sure there's someone i'd really like to be like.


I don't really remeber any chilhood hero's. But a current hero of mine is Ann Sparnese a librarian that if without her we would't have the pleasure of reading MICHAEL MOORES book Stupid White Men... and other sorry excuses for the state of the nation.

I don't know what she looks like, how old she is etc, but I thank her for pressurising Regan Books (Harper Collins) into getting this great book on to the shelves of American bookshops. Then over here in Britain.

Thanks Ann.

Mark S ;)
From a very early age, Thomas Jefferson.

By the time I was about 14, Rosa Parks.

As an older teen, I added Socrates and Buddha.

I still have great admiration for these people.
Carl Yastrzemski, number 8, The 1967 Boston Red Sox. Bobby Orr, number 4, The 1967 Boston Bruins. John Havlicek, number 17, The 1967 Boston Celtics.

1967, the last year of my innocence.

During the Watergate hearings I found a true American hero - John Dean. He told the truth when no less than his president pressured him to lie. I wish I ever had such moral clarity.

This post makes me sad. I am not sure why, but it is kinda a drag. Sorry.


Brother, I've had that same shocking revelation within the last year or so. I thot I had no childhood becuz I had to practically raise my handicapped brother and had a lot of adult responsibilities from very early in childhood.

But what was behind all that was not only the emotional but also the sexual incest that shoved me out of a childhood I never was able to live, into an adulthood I've never been able to live.

I spent virtually all my childhood years forced to be an adult. I've spent my adulthood years trying to be adult but compelled to try to be the child I could never be.

Now little Wuame & I are connecting and we've made a deal: I'll have a childhood with him, and he'll grow up with me; but we'll always be childlike as well as mature adult.

I don't think I can be one without the other.

Devon, take care of you & your inner child.


Right! As I was growing up, the Legion of Superheroes as a group were not the most popular but they were overall my favorites. Maybe it's becuz they functioned at times almost like a big family. Never thot of that before...

Hey Jake, use that talent! Draw your own hero! Have it made into a comic book even! :cool:

May you & may we all find the heroes & role models we need--even be the ones others' need.

I'm glad to see you around here and I hope everything is going well.

My childhood was warped when I was 5. As I look back on it my only hero was my sister. I always looked up to her. It's just too bad that she took something from me that I can never have again. :mad: And Devon put it the best way "Now I know why I've had trouble growing up--I've spent all this time trying to have my childhood".

And I'm with Clement--this post is a bit of a drag. But it helped me a bit.
Take care all,
I agree with Sleepy, Devon sums it up wondefully-
Now I know why I've had trouble growing up--I've spent all this time trying to have my childhood.
Then we get a bit 'serious and grown up' as we recover, discover what we really missed and spend the rest of our time behaving like big kids !
Well that's my plan anyway.........

And my heroes ? Graham Hill the racing driver and Top Cat - the undisputed leader of the pack !

Lloydy :D