felt tormented this pm - went and saw a canadian film - i am back!
hi guys -
i was talking in chat earlier to
my friend Russ - I was -
and I don't know if he knew this -
unconsollable -
I felt low low low!
I left this interent cafe -
with the torment in my throat -
walking along down to the canadian film board -
i had planned to see something there -
the films are free -
to anyone!
i went and chose this documentary :
The Making of a Candidate:
made in 2004
such a good film -
well i liked it -
i did not see it all -
it got me going though -
'got me going'
helped me think -
helped me see their faces
they talked and tried for things -
They were struggling -
and stressed out - to the MAX!
I sat there and thought - about it.
I really at first on some level could
not relate
to the politcal race -
or the idea of:
'throwing one's hat in the ring'
so to speak -
but i thought about it -
i could have seen myself very well -
attacking this trip - this move and this try for garnering professional work in TO -
in the same way - as a campaign -
I could have created a campaign -
of Mark as running to be a designer for Toronto! a designer --
... sounds simplistic
but it gave a structure to
that whole push -
usually frightfully paralyzing -
I wanted it -
- I think I like politics -
the idea of making this place great -
and fighting bad guys
- unlawful activity -
poisonous factories -
and unsound policy -
Prosperity is awesome -
not at the expense of us
OR future generations -
compassion for people who have problems is key -
all of us have them
and to provide for healing and a healthy environment is essential -
but we do not need to have an
environment that holds fast to the idea
that in providing compassion
and care - and therapies -
that a matter of course is to also condoned
- and thereby multiply-
or future abusiveness
to others
or ourselves.
I mean - in essence - I am excited -
I am back!
Said a lot - pretty tired -
gotta go home and eat -
out to the subway -
night all -
- tomorrow is another day -
i was talking in chat earlier to
my friend Russ - I was -
and I don't know if he knew this -
unconsollable -
I felt low low low!
I left this interent cafe -
with the torment in my throat -
walking along down to the canadian film board -
i had planned to see something there -
the films are free -
to anyone!
i went and chose this documentary :
The Making of a Candidate:
made in 2004
such a good film -
well i liked it -
i did not see it all -
it got me going though -
'got me going'
helped me think -
helped me see their faces
they talked and tried for things -
They were struggling -
and stressed out - to the MAX!
I sat there and thought - about it.
I really at first on some level could
not relate
to the politcal race -
or the idea of:
'throwing one's hat in the ring'
so to speak -
but i thought about it -
i could have seen myself very well -
attacking this trip - this move and this try for garnering professional work in TO -
in the same way - as a campaign -
I could have created a campaign -
of Mark as running to be a designer for Toronto! a designer --
... sounds simplistic
but it gave a structure to
that whole push -
usually frightfully paralyzing -
I wanted it -
- I think I like politics -
the idea of making this place great -
and fighting bad guys
- unlawful activity -
poisonous factories -
and unsound policy -
Prosperity is awesome -
not at the expense of us
OR future generations -
compassion for people who have problems is key -
all of us have them
and to provide for healing and a healthy environment is essential -
but we do not need to have an
environment that holds fast to the idea
that in providing compassion
and care - and therapies -
that a matter of course is to also condoned
- and thereby multiply-
or future abusiveness
to others
or ourselves.
I mean - in essence - I am excited -
I am back!
Said a lot - pretty tired -
gotta go home and eat -
out to the subway -
night all -
- tomorrow is another day -