Feeling useless...
Sick Puppy
Some days I just feel like... no matter how small my body is, it is too big for me... I feel lost inside it, I feel useless and awkward, I don't know what to do with my arms or how to stand... I feel as if I am controlling a puppet and trying to make it move realistically so the audience will believe it's real.
On the outside... there's Josh. Sure, he's kind of small, and thin, and maybe not as strong as he could be, but he's whole, he's grown, mentally and physically, he's an adult. Maybe not the smartest guy around, but he's at a perfectly acceptable level of intelligence for a 23 year old.
On the inside there's this scared little kid. I know you guys know this feeling very well. His body's an adults and his mind's an adults but his feelings are a child's. He still wants a bedtime story, a nightlight, a stuffed animal to sleep with. He still gets scared of the dark, sucks his thumb, wets the bed.
I can't give in to everything Little Josh wants, can I? I can't be a child. I'm grown. I have a stuffed animal, but no nightlight. I suck my thumb, but I don't ask anyone for a bedtime story. I just feel dumb. I feel like I don't match up with myself. You give me a physical test, I could pass it, maybe in the low range for my age group, but I could do it. Same with an intelligence test; I might be dumb, but I'm not mentally handicapped; my mind is 23 just like my body.
But... put me in a situation where my emotions are tested? I'm screwed. Do I act 23? Hell no. I've never acted 23 in my life. I don't know how. I don't think the required part of me has matured to that level. I act five, I act ten, on good days I act twelve or fifteen. I throw temper tantrums, I cry, I yell, I sulk, I lash out, I do the things a frustrated child might do. People can't put up with it. The ones who can put up with it-- few as they are-- still don't quite understand; they treat me as an emotional adult, as if I could react how they expect me to, as if logic could calm me. You don't rationalize with a five year old when he gets angry and upset and sad, you hug him, you comfort him...
But then... I feel foolish for expecting them to give me special treatment. I don't want to be singled out or patronized, but I do want to be treated appropriately, and in situations like mine, the line between the two is pretty thin. But then I feel as if it's my own problem that I'm this way; I should deal with it; I shouldn't force others to adjust themselves to it...
I don't know. I guess I'm just rambling now. It's hard for me. On one hand I feel as if this is a sort of handicap and should be treated as such, like a person with limited physical movement might be given a degree of special treatment to make up for his condition. But, on the other hand, I feel as if I'm just self-absorbed, whining, wanting pity or attention, and I don't deserve any sort of adjustment... I should just suck it up and deal with it.
I don't know. I don't know how to fix it, either.
On the outside... there's Josh. Sure, he's kind of small, and thin, and maybe not as strong as he could be, but he's whole, he's grown, mentally and physically, he's an adult. Maybe not the smartest guy around, but he's at a perfectly acceptable level of intelligence for a 23 year old.
On the inside there's this scared little kid. I know you guys know this feeling very well. His body's an adults and his mind's an adults but his feelings are a child's. He still wants a bedtime story, a nightlight, a stuffed animal to sleep with. He still gets scared of the dark, sucks his thumb, wets the bed.
I can't give in to everything Little Josh wants, can I? I can't be a child. I'm grown. I have a stuffed animal, but no nightlight. I suck my thumb, but I don't ask anyone for a bedtime story. I just feel dumb. I feel like I don't match up with myself. You give me a physical test, I could pass it, maybe in the low range for my age group, but I could do it. Same with an intelligence test; I might be dumb, but I'm not mentally handicapped; my mind is 23 just like my body.
But... put me in a situation where my emotions are tested? I'm screwed. Do I act 23? Hell no. I've never acted 23 in my life. I don't know how. I don't think the required part of me has matured to that level. I act five, I act ten, on good days I act twelve or fifteen. I throw temper tantrums, I cry, I yell, I sulk, I lash out, I do the things a frustrated child might do. People can't put up with it. The ones who can put up with it-- few as they are-- still don't quite understand; they treat me as an emotional adult, as if I could react how they expect me to, as if logic could calm me. You don't rationalize with a five year old when he gets angry and upset and sad, you hug him, you comfort him...
But then... I feel foolish for expecting them to give me special treatment. I don't want to be singled out or patronized, but I do want to be treated appropriately, and in situations like mine, the line between the two is pretty thin. But then I feel as if it's my own problem that I'm this way; I should deal with it; I shouldn't force others to adjust themselves to it...
I don't know. I guess I'm just rambling now. It's hard for me. On one hand I feel as if this is a sort of handicap and should be treated as such, like a person with limited physical movement might be given a degree of special treatment to make up for his condition. But, on the other hand, I feel as if I'm just self-absorbed, whining, wanting pity or attention, and I don't deserve any sort of adjustment... I should just suck it up and deal with it.
I don't know. I don't know how to fix it, either.