feeling sub-human (possible trigger)

feeling sub-human (possible trigger)
I haven't said much about what happened when I was abused, but there is one thing he did which sometimes makes me wonder if I can ever get past this. Although as far as I know, I was the only person he was abusing at the time, I wasn't the only living being he was doing it to. He didn't have a problem doing the same things to the dog that he did to me. This is one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard of, so if anyone thinks they would be offended, just don't read any more of this. Anyway, he would make me suck on him a little, but he wouldn't make me finish. After a little while, he would have me quit and then he managed to make the dog do it to him. After a while he would switch back to me. So when I say it's a wonder that I didn't get anything, I'm not talking about the fact that he never used a condom. I'm talking about the fact that he made me suck on him just after he had made the dog do it. This is one of the worst things he ever did to me. Since I was twelve it has had me feeling like on some level I'm not as human as everyone else. He literally put me down to the same level as a dog, and actually lower than that since not even a dog deserves to be treated like that.
May trigger////

MH, you are not sub-human, but your abuser is, I have a little terrier called Ben, and I would not wish anything to happen to him, he is so spoilt with love and affection.

These sub-human species commit bestial acts on kids and get a kick out of it, I often wonder what really does go through their minds.

After I was abused, I went to every clinic and ENT hospital and saw so many doctors, antiseptic smell just triggers me, and it is everywhere, clinic smells. Every doctor who saw me could not make it out, they went from adenoid removal to tonsils or even worse invasive stuff.

My mom could not even think that it may be down to SA, then again! I really wanted to tell every doctor what is was, just to get away, and hey the same about dentists, I remember drenching a nurse in blood after I just had a panic attack while he was in my mouth. I remember really being furious at not being in control of it, but I would have just drowned in the stuff!GGGRRRRRRRRRR

you are a hero, just for getting there,

Damn your abuser! How dare he do that to you! To make you feel lower than a dog, that pisses me off! NO ONE DESERVES THAT SHIT!!
You are not sub-human. That selfish bastard does not deserve to breathe the same air as you!
(Please forgive the rightious anger!)


You are not sub-human. Listen to your brothers here. The perp wanted you to feel that way, he did that to you, but he is lying. Not matter what he did to you, it never touched the true core of you.
I have read it and it was not esay to read. But hey no please dont think so over yourself, please.
You are not this what you think over you ore to what this person like to make you no.
You are not better ore begleyer as i ore all others here. Please think on it.

your Star
It is a tough journey we are on and it is very normal to wonder if you will ever "get past it".

Every survivor has their own personal horrors, but if you will continue to work, continue to reach out for help and help others when you can, you will "get past it".

I hope you will find the support and friendship here that will help you along on that journey...

all my best,
Molly Hatchet,

You are not at all subhuman. We can not be held responsible for what others done to US. HE is subhuman, he is less of a person, not you. You have done nothing wrong, never was your fault. I am so very sorry that happened to you.
