Thats what I feel like doing, right now. I had a real rough day today. I am too nice, I let people walk all over me to day. I have trouble telling people no. The only reason I can think of is that I think no one will like me if I don't do stuff for them.
I know how you feel about "doing things" to make sure people like you. But it doesn't work. They take and take and take.
That was what I did to feel "good" about myself. Then I found out that the feeling didn't last long. I'd have to do something for someone else to get that "good" feeling back. But it was really a good feeling. It was an addiction as real as drugs or alcohol. I would have to get my "fix" to feel halfway human.
Do you know when I really found out what the real "good" feeling was? The first time I said "No". Strange, huh? But the person understood that I needed the time for myself. Still my close friend.
I have a choice today. So do you. Your value isn't determined by someone thinking you sacrificed for them. It's determined by sometimes NOT sacrificing for someone else and taking time for yourself, realizing YOU are the most important person, the only person, whose opinion about you should matter.
remember, if you trash the apartment, you are the one who has to clean it up. Not them. Wow, that will 'show them', yes? It's annoying as hell, to want to just break things, rant, rave, tear things apart. But, rather like the abuse, it is US who have to clean up the mess afterwards.
Start learning and practicing the word 'no'. Maybe that is not the situation right now, but you saying that you are 'walked all over' because you want people to like you makes me think that you will do anything to keep the peace or such. But eventually, we do start to form our own boundaries again. And then, saying 'no', or doing other things to protect them, it is quite empowering.
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