Fear of Judgement
I am new here and want to just start out by saying that I have been working with my past memories and I realize that I have severe anger because of my abuse. And when I think of where the anger comes from I see that it comes from fear. And I see that my fear comes from my mother and father "judging" me constantly when I was between 9 and 12. I couldn't do anything right in their eyes. They made me responsible for all "their" problems and unhappiness. My mother abused me emotionally and sexually and my father emotionally and physically. I was and still feel a great deal of fear when I think about my past. It feels like I'm no good. The fear comes first closely followed by anger. And the anger is BIG! I couldn't express it when I was little, so I held it all in. I need to work on it now. It is the core problem I'm facing right now.
Thanks and take care,
Thanks and take care,