Fear and trust (POSSIBLE TRIGGERS!)
These are the things I struggle with - fear and trust.
Fear: That which I'm afraid of. I'm an adult. I shouldn't be afraid of relatively safe situations (public bathrooms, etc.), but I am. Of course, I was raped also as an adult, but I'm talking about commonplace situations. I shouldn't be nervous when I'm in a bathroom and there's one other man there. Yet, I suffer from "shy bladder" and have to be aware of where this man is at all times.
Trust: That is, believing that others wish me no harm in usual circumstances, and I wish them no harm. This too, I fight with, because in a nutshell, I trust NOBODY. I come close, and there are people here and in my life that I would lay down my life for, and I'm pretty sure they would for me, but I can't trust people, even those I love, completely because I was hurt by people I trusted. Burn your hand one too many times, you flinch when you see fire. ANd I also fear that I can become an abuser, which is an old chestnut, but an important one. I can't care about children or teens in my life without "running the checklist" (making sure my feelings are "wholesome") to make sure it's okay, that I'M okay. Yes, the COA, but it's a concern.
Will I ever get over the fear? Slowly, I think. It takes time, and the realization that, for the most part, I can keep myself safe (and know I will kick the @$$ of anyone who EVER tries to hurt me again, even if it costs me my life). Will I ever completely trust? Well, that's a different story. I'm working on it, and there are people (as I said earlier) who I can say I trust, but it's qualified. I feel okay about myself, that I'm a good, caring person who'd never DREAM of hurting another person, but I always have that damn fear, because most abusers were abused. My personal experience. I trust, I get hurt, therefore it's better to have that shield up at least partway. I'm a bad person, a dirty person because I liked certain aspects of my relationship with Mr. P, and I wanted sex with another man so I will become a bad, dirty person like those @$$holes because they said I wanted it.
I'm rambling, but does anybody else fight with this? I'm sure yes, but for those who've completely overcome it, how did you?
Peace and love,
Fear: That which I'm afraid of. I'm an adult. I shouldn't be afraid of relatively safe situations (public bathrooms, etc.), but I am. Of course, I was raped also as an adult, but I'm talking about commonplace situations. I shouldn't be nervous when I'm in a bathroom and there's one other man there. Yet, I suffer from "shy bladder" and have to be aware of where this man is at all times.
Trust: That is, believing that others wish me no harm in usual circumstances, and I wish them no harm. This too, I fight with, because in a nutshell, I trust NOBODY. I come close, and there are people here and in my life that I would lay down my life for, and I'm pretty sure they would for me, but I can't trust people, even those I love, completely because I was hurt by people I trusted. Burn your hand one too many times, you flinch when you see fire. ANd I also fear that I can become an abuser, which is an old chestnut, but an important one. I can't care about children or teens in my life without "running the checklist" (making sure my feelings are "wholesome") to make sure it's okay, that I'M okay. Yes, the COA, but it's a concern.
Will I ever get over the fear? Slowly, I think. It takes time, and the realization that, for the most part, I can keep myself safe (and know I will kick the @$$ of anyone who EVER tries to hurt me again, even if it costs me my life). Will I ever completely trust? Well, that's a different story. I'm working on it, and there are people (as I said earlier) who I can say I trust, but it's qualified. I feel okay about myself, that I'm a good, caring person who'd never DREAM of hurting another person, but I always have that damn fear, because most abusers were abused. My personal experience. I trust, I get hurt, therefore it's better to have that shield up at least partway. I'm a bad person, a dirty person because I liked certain aspects of my relationship with Mr. P, and I wanted sex with another man so I will become a bad, dirty person like those @$$holes because they said I wanted it.
I'm rambling, but does anybody else fight with this? I'm sure yes, but for those who've completely overcome it, how did you?
Peace and love,