Family Reactions and Denial.
In summary I am a male survivor from the UK. On 19th September this year my Dad was sent to prison for 11.5 years for the rape and sexual assault of me and my sister(and others).
During the trial it came out that my mother knew about our abuse. My sister had told her when she was 4 years old. My mother said that my sisters language was to immature to be understood. For a long time I believed that.
Recently, after Dad was sent to prison I had a chat to my sister for the first time EVER about this subject.
She told me that she told MUM twice that she ws being abused and once that Dad was abusing me.
I have coped very well up to now. But this new knowledge has spun me out.
On top of this my mother now behaves as if I dont exist, she writes and emails my fiancee and my friends but fails to mention me and does not answer any of my communications. She is carrying on like nothing has happened.
My sister on the other hand insists that we forgive Mum and accept her for who she is. She says she wants to move on now Dad is in prison and refuses to discuss the things she told me.
So I have all this new knowledge, Mum knew and did nothing and my sister wants to forgive and forget.
I cant forgive and forget. I dont know how to deal with them.
What should I do? What should I try to do?
Please read my story here