Everyone here is so nice...

Everyone here is so nice...

Sick Puppy

Everybody here is so nice!! :) I love this site, it's been such a great thing for me, but it makes me very sad to think that each and every one of you has been hurt in a horrible way. :( I think that by coming here and posting and being good people you are overcoming that hurt. :) I'm not sure why I posted this really, I've just never really had so many people be nice to me and one another. You really are all my brothers. :)
Very well said. I think this is such a great place to get words of encouragement and understanding from people who really do understand... first hand.

I can sit and explain how I feel to many people, but I think many don't really relate to what I'm going through. But here, it's just awesome to read a post where someone describes exactly how you're feeling... or someone responds feeling the same way. Because, it simply means... WE'RE NOT ALONE AND NO, WE'RE NOT CRAZY!

Well, Josh, you did it again........

You said something that's simply too thought provoking to let it pass.

Ya, where did all of this concern come from?

Could it be that there is some sympathetic cyber
creature out there that hears all of our stories
and responds with "just the right thing to say?"

I mean, it couldn't be real guys with real concerns for other guys, could it?

I've never known other guys to be that concerned about anyone else except for themselves.

Now, you're going to tell us, what? That there is L-O-V-E, here?

Watch it! Those could be trigger letters.

That word could change us.

That concern could transform us.

Change us from whimpering boys.

Transform us into caring men...MEN.

And for those of you who missed the sermon this week..........

"How does one truly wordship God?"

By loving and encouraging one another.


I love the way you guys love and encourage one another----it calls me to a higher road.
