Erectile Dysfunction And Rape

Erectile Dysfunction And Rape


New Registrant
Here's an update to myh case. As I child I was raped by neighbors. I'm now 24 and have bisexual feelings. As I told in my first post I have a girlfriend who's so good. She knows all this and encourages me to leave this black hole. Everything was real fine. We started to have sex intercourse and a normal couple would have, but all of a sudden, I began to experience erectile dysfunction. Since we started having sex about 2 months, it has happened 2 times. I don't really know what it is. i do have erections before sex, when kissing and hugging tiedly, but when I'm about to penerate her, my penis just can't keep straight. Anyway. i think it's hooked to what I went through as a child. Any suggestions. Have any of you experienced this situations?
Erectile dysfunction is one of the most degrading feelings we as humans can have. I personally felt guilty when I was about to penetrate the women I was having sex with. Like, putting myself in her was evil and disgusting. However, it is, human nature. I didn't have the intention of using those girls or being abusive. You are not guilty of putting you penis in someone like your abuser has. Your sex is consensual (as it sounds to me). You are not abusing a young child.

Perhaps revealing your feelings to her would be beneficial. Its much harder than it sounds but the benefits are immeasurable. I have experienced your situation. We're here for you and you need anymore advice, you're in the right place. Good luck Pedro!

Much love
Keep in mind that you are performing a loving act with this person; go slowly and remember that she wants you too, and that it's right and fair for you two to be together.

It's very difficult to deal with your body not behaving as you'd want it to. In a past relationship I have been guilty of the "watch some porn and then charge in and have sex" approach. Not the best plan.
ED is something that happens to all men of all ages, so I wouldn't worry too much pedro. Stress can cause ED, along with getting sick, mood, etc. The stereotype is that as men, especially young men, we should always be able to summon an erection on command. The truth is that ED is more common than we think, just simply not something people are understandably willing to share.

Talk to you doctor, he will probably tell you to give it a month or two for things to return on their own. He might offer some medication to help with it, but it is probably unnecessary.

Also, the more comfortable I am with a partner the less likely I will experience the loss of an erection. The more uncomfortable or insecure I am around someone, the more likely I am to not be able to get or maintain an erection. These are not abnormal reactions, they are perfectly normal.
If you've been having sex for 2 months with her and you've lost your erection a couple times - I don't think what you have is called erectile dysfunction - it's called having a penis. Sounds like you are functioning well.

If it's happening all the time, then you have some work to do. Talking with your therapist is important when dealing with the feelings associated with sexual arousal.

But with that said, listen to the posts above, because how we feel about ourselves sexually has a major effect on our sexual arousal, and CSA has a major effect on how we feel about ourselves sexually.
If it is happening a lot, it may be that your inner child is getting triggered and going limp maybe one of the defense mechanisms you employed as a child. I have had a similiar effect when I'm asked to put on a condom - everything just stops. When I was a child, I tried to stop the erection when I was forced to put on a condom during the abuse.
The bisexual feelings may be that your inner child is confused because of the physical enjoyment that occurred during the rape. Our bodies respond to certain touches even if it happens in a sick abusive situation. By getting in touch with my inner child during some trancework, I was able to address the bisexual messages I was getting and I found out I wasn't bisexual at all- my inner child was just confused.
Hope this helps.

Thanks everyone for your posts. Really helpful. Yeah, the dysfunction is vanishing. And I've found that thinking about your performance while you're having sex is the worst thing one can do. I did it, but now i try to enjoy it as much as possible and everything seems to go the right way. Thanks everyone again and sorry for my english; i'm not a native english speaker.
Your english is quite well my friend.
