Ensure the future of MS and its Programs

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Ensure the future of MS and its Programs
To each and everyone here at MaleSurvivor,

The best way to ensure the survival or MaleSurvivor, the programs we want, and for the addition of more programs we would like; is to donate to MaleSurvivor. Make it financially stable and viable.

For those that are not yet members, please join. The more members MS has, the more pull it has on raising funds through other sources and a bigger voice we have.

To insure long term financial health, donate to the Endowment Fund .

And don't forget the General Fund, Scholarship Fund and the rest of them. Please forgive me, I do not know them all.

Take care of yourself by taking care of MaleSurvivor,
Excellent sentiments Bill, but the timing sucks.
Why would we donate more money when we have absolutely no idea when, and for what capricious reason, the next MS resource will be yanked? Perhaps it might be adviseable to wait and see what our callous and insensitive board has to say before we dive into our pockets once more!

Your concillatory responses make me think you might be a good moderator. Course there ain't much benefit in that Bill, they have no more idea of what's going on than you and I do .... which shows what high regard the board holds them.

My suggestion is: since Richard Singer says that Fred is the one who is responsible for issueing a statement, and Fred is the one who ultimately leads the board, and Fred is the one who is accountable, and Fred is the one who is avoiding making a statement, and Fred is the one who allowed a reckless bulletin without explanation to be posted, that we demand that Fred resign.

Peace, Andrew
I agree even if I had the means to pay for a membership I would be a little worried about doing it at this point. I think the board has some hard questions to answer.
Fred Tolson and the Board Members are not MaleSurvivor:NOMSV, WE ARE. Each one of us that come here and make a difference in someone else's life. Making a donation to MS is making a difference in someone's life that needs it.

It is not money given to the President or the Board. These people take on this responsiblity without pay and use there own time and money to represent us. Your current unhappiness is with the current officers over the current situation. Officers change with each election, did you vote? and situations change daily, regardless of that MaleSurvivor needs to survive.

Making a donation and keeping donations coming in, no matter how small, will help keep the programs, preventing them from being shut down due to financial reasons. Some programs may concievibly be shut down for other reasons, but WE CAN prevent programs from being eliminated for financial reasons.

The cost of membership is not too high a price to pay, and it is on a sliding scale, to be a part of this great organization. With thay you can help decide who the next President and Board will be, set the expectations of them, and guide them to an even better MS.

I have made donations to MS to the point that it hurt some financially. On the flip side, MS always helps me when I am hurting.

OK, it's about 12 hours since I last posted and an awful lot's happened since then.

Like you guys I've now read Fred and the Boards message stating the reasons for the chat room closing, and whether I agree with the decision or not I hate to see the riot it's caused on the forums.
I didn't close the other topic, but I would have instantly because of the personal attacks that are flying about. I was tempted to disable a few peoples PM facility but haven't done so. I'm hoping people will calm down and apologise for the personal attacks.
Haven't we all had enough personal crap thrown at us as kids without doing it to each other now ?

Feelings are running high about this, and I understand that, I also believe the announcement could, and should, have been handled differently.
But this is the situation we have got, so we have to work with it instead of against it - and each other.

Please let's concentrate on adding to the argument for keeping the chat room.

Once again can I thank you all for supporting the Moderators.

I have three 'real life' friends who, combined, donated hundreds dollars to this site with the emergency money fund. But to gain more money from people, do not some needs need to be met? It seems evident that there are many men who feel their need includes a chat room. True, maybe there is reason why there cannot be the chat room no longer. But why it is not shared by the authorities to us? Supposedly, an explanation was given in one of the pay forums. What of those of us who are not members yet, are we such unconcern to not require explanation? It is not right. Andrei

Why is membership on a sliding scale and not one membership price?



Fearful, frantic thinking takes an enormous amount of energy and drains the creativity and motivation from our lives.

I have just joined, not out of interest of things 'membership' really means, but to give futher financial support. I am fortunate, to have had some success in my career, and it is job that pays well, WHEN I can work (such as to do coaching, performing or competing). But I do have other financial obligations as well, family ones and designated charitable ones, so I can not contribute so much as I would like here. But will contribute as I can.


Sliding scale so that it is not too onerous on anyone regardless of their income bracket.
This topic has been moved to the "DISCUSSION BOARD QUESTIONS" forum.

All the recent topics regarding the efforts and offers of help to keep Male Survivor the number one Survivors site are being held there.

Please go there and carry on the discussion, Male Survivor appreciates your help and support.


Dave ( Lloydy )
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