Emotional and Verbal Abuse - by offspring

Emotional and Verbal Abuse - by offspring


Yes - Hello There - This is Nealus=Neil

Heart Transplant Candidate - Male Survivor of Sexual Child Abuse - And Author of "An Inch From Murder".

Well - I hope to have the Book Published by the end of the year. Just dotting the *i's* and crossing the *T's*

It's really actually finished at: https://www.aninchfrommurder.com/malesurvivor/

For your perusal. I would really like to get some feedback from you.


I have a Son 31 - who is emotionally and verbally abusing me.
I also happen to be a Heart Transplant Candidate. Stress is a No-No - if you are accepted into the Program. Having no stress - is mandatory.

One of the things that I didn't expect to have happen - in my new role - of having to be dependent upon others - is that others would abuse me.

My life began with Physical Abuse and continued on with;
Sexual Child Abuse:
Emotional Abuse


You need not have to read about my childhood here:
You need not have to read about the emotional and verbal abuse over the past two months.

Bye the way - this all began with Hurricane Frances - here in SouthEast Florida in September.

I survivored Hurricane Frances:
12 *ucking days without power

and then 3 weeks later;

Hurricane Jeanne:
3 days [thank god] without power


I am in a situation - where I had to call the Police on October 28...........They wouldn't help......I'm not a Senior. I am disabled. I'm only 53. No help.

Next day - I call the Florida Abuse Hotline......I get a few Resources.

One - Advocates for the Disabled....another for housing........but I have a lovely Golden Retriever - that keeps me alive - and I can't do without her....She is Sabrina. He is also abusing her.

That makes me angry the most.

I have a solution.

Get out of this situation - as fast as possible. And that - I am working on. With limited funds - and being on Social Security Disability - I have a tough road ahead.

My Dog I worry about the most. She depends on me - SO much. And I depend on her - SO MUCH!!!

What I have going for me - is that I still have a brain. My physical limitations only bring me to the resolve - that I must get Rest.

For those of you - that go through the day to day Survival as I do - the only thing that I can say is this - from my friend Dale Carnegie - the Author:

"We are stronger than we think."

"If I lost all five of my senses, I know I could live on inside my mind. For it is in the mind we see, and in the mind we live, whether we know it or not."

"For every ailment under the sun,
There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there is one, try to find it;
If there be more, never mind it."

peace. out

Neil, it's a tough one. Don't know if I can help.
You have made one right decision, to rest and ease the stress.

Knowing the condition you are in, he should not be putting you, or your dog under any pressure.

Unfortunately, I live in the UK, and I don't know what resources are available to you. Is it possible to have a friend be there? Can you evict him? You need to ease the situation, maybe call your physician, who can warn your son of the consequences of his behaviour.

I am sorry you are going through this,

look after YOU,
