emotional abuse(blackmail)

emotional abuse(blackmail)


I went to have some blood work done today and the Lady that was drawing the blood was a childhood neighor.And that said that my older brother spread rumors about her when we were children sexual in nature.

In therpy I am dealing with the hurt the my brother has cause me in my childhood,earlyteens and adulthood,by his rumors he told about me..It is starting to come together a little bit now..why he did not have friends and I did ...he is an asshole...has anyone been though this


I was trying to deal with my childhood abuse, by my brother year in and year out, as well as several adults while I was a young teenager. I tried to talk with him (brother) when I found out that one of my abusers lived around the corner from me - yeah that was comforting. I wanted to stop this man who was involved in Boy Scouts and the law enforcement, since I realized he was still around, I wanted to stop him!

I am an elementary school teacher. My brother told me that if I didn't drop the whole thing that all of the parents in my classroom, my principal, the Board of Education would all find out about my childhood choices. He then made up some stories about what I had chosen to do as an adult that would be found out as well.

I guess he was afraid that what he had dome to me and what he had done with this person would become known to his wife, family, boss, et cetera.

I made sure perp was out of other children's harms way, and I saw yet another evil side of someone I loved and looked up to, even when I was being abused.....
