funny you should ask.
I am currently in EMDR therapy. I go twice a week. And have been going for about 3 weeks now. I know that this isn't the same for everyone, some people never feel anything different. As if nothing happened. For me it is like therapy on Steroids.
Very intense.
The first treatment, I wasn't prepared for. Even though I had been in therapy for 6 months previously and I felt I pretty much covered most of everything for those 6 months. I guess the only thing I didn't cover was unleashing the raw emotions - which was completely unexpected.
ON my first session, My t would tell me to focus on something that we previously discussed, and he moved his fingers side to side while I tracked them. After about 30 seconds, he would ask me, "now what are you feeling?" I would tell him, and I could feel the raw emotions surging.
He repeating the process and asked me, "Now what are you feeling?" I would tell him as tears well up in my eyes.
He repeated the process and asked me, "Now what are you feeling?", I started sobbing and crying uncontrollably and would tell him what I was feeling.
He repeated the process and asked me, "Now what are you feeling?" My seizure disorder took over and he had to keep me from falling out of my chair as I was headed for the floor. I was barely able to get the words out of what I was feeling that time.
He repeated the process and asked me, "Now what are you feeling?" A volcanic surge of raw emotion raged out of me and I SCREAMED for 2 minutes. I SCREAMED just those same screams of primal fear that some of you may have had the misfortune to emit if you have ever had night terrors. I had so much fear, and rage, and emotions that are just not possible to describe in words. When I stopped screaming, he made me tell him what I was thinking. I was shaking, and sobbing, and crying; I was completely out of control. I think for me, EMDR has a way of tapping into my subconscious that we haven't been able to do before.
A few more times of repeating the procedure, and I had to ask to stop. It was just too intense.
I went to bed early that night. I don't know if I had ever been so emotionally exhausted as I was that day.
That first session was my only scream session. However, all the others since would evoke similar feelings of raw emotions full with tears and the physical manifestations of my seizure disorder. All the sucessive sessions seemed to progressively get just a little less intense. There is a lot to this that is so weird.
I am still having seizure episodes (from conversion disorder) and my functioning is way off, but the emotions in subsequent sessions weren't as intense as they were the very first session. I am hoping that this EMDR could be a good thing since it is tapping into some very intense emotions that we haven't seen before in therapy. I also hope that I can start to increase my functioning so I can walk and talk better and maybe even return to work.
I have personally heard of EMDR providing great success for many people. Although the jury is still out for me, so far I have survived the treatments ( I haven't died yet) and my symptoms aren't any worse. In fact, today instead of being in bed most of the day (like I have been lately), I ate all my meals at the table, I sat in a chair for some time downstairs, and walked accross the street and talked very very briefly to a neighbor.
I have had ups and downs, an am still skeptical until I have more bodily control, but I will keep going to EMDR. It may do me good.