escape behavior is something we all deal with. you already know this, because your question was somewhat different. i have been struggling with the sexual boundary confusion lately...a lot. there was so much conflict about memories of the abuse intruding into what would be an otherwise normal fantasy world, or the inappropriate content of such fantasies would really get out of control for me. i was so badly disturbed by the revelation of the arousal i experienced when i recalled a specific abuse memory in the present that i really bolted. i felt i had to find some place removed from the memories and the triggers of the inappropriate subjects. i thought i found it, but i believe i may have misled myself. you asked if you were alone in how you experienced coping with the abuse by escaping. no, brett, you are definitely not alone, my friend and brother.
there may have been too much stated above reletive to your question, but we each have to work out a way that makes sense to us and keeps us and those we love safe. i don't know what i can do about my own confusion over the boundaries i mentioned, but i know that it does not involve what i thought i found. the answers are not found through the same elements of the darkness that enveloped us as victims. we stumble, but we stand back up and face the horizon once more. take care, brett. i hope i responded to your question well enough.