Dreams and reality Trugger warning

Dreams and reality Trugger warning


I had a very violent dream last night.

Somehow it did not awaken me, or so I think.

It was like a guy going berserk and beating the other guy silly with what seemed to be an iron bar. It was so lucid.

I felt safe because I was on the other side of a stream, but I could see he was just an animal, and nobody was there to even care.

I could not be there, it was on the other side of the stream, and I just watched the anger on his face as he dealt the blows, and listened to this poor guy in agony.

It was so real, and I called this woman from the police who said, dont worry it will soon be over.

That freaked me out, to think this could happen, but I guess it does.

The worst thing for me, was thinking, that I was watching this beast killing a guy, and nobody wanted to help him, and me hiding on the other bank watching this beast doing these things to another human.

I dont get so many dreams, but this was so lucid to me, as to be real, and I can remember his face.
The face of something worse than any animal, a beast.

Any ideas?


No thoughts as far as what it might mean, but my thoughts are with you as you process this. If those thoughts are productive in any way, I will let you know.

Hang in there

I also do not have so many dreams but have recently been trying to get them down. Good for you for sharing on the message board. What a powerful way to try to understand the dream from some different perspectives.

I thought perhaps I could offer a few questions:

Were either of the faces familiar? Either that of the violent animal or the guy getting beaten? Perhaps someone you ran into the day before the dream? Perhaps someone from your past? Perhaps you?

When you realized that nobody was helping the beaten guy, did you hold yourself responsible for not helping or was there a sort of assumption there was nothing you could do? You talk about what actions or inactions the you-character looking on from the other side of the stream took, but what about the feelings? I know you implied horror, shock, etc., but maybe there are some other more complicated emotions thrown in there also?

Do you remember other violent dreams you've had in the past? If so, what similiarities do you find? Colors, scenery, characters, smell, feelings, perspective, etc...

With love.


I have had many violent dreams in the past but I was always the one doing the violence. So I always new that it was my own repressed rage, anger etc.

I believe that this dream was a symbol for how powerless you feel. You were not able to do anything in the dream to help that man and likely felt helpless, even though you did not state that. I really do think that this was a symbol for how helpless you may have felt and maybe continue to feel at some level.

What do you think?
First to Josh, I have had nightmares, but this is something that is a first for me, like it really happened.

I could not see the victim, but knew who the beast was, but felt helpless, as I would never tell the police, because I dont trust police.

I thought! The police know this animal, and why is he out doing this to the weak.

Now to Dominic,

yes, I did feel abolutely powerless to stop this happening, I thought, where are the police, or anyone to help him.

I also thought he would hunt me down also, if he knew I had seen it.

In my country, the police know who supply drugs, they know the violent families and individuals, but they are scared to get involved, in case they get caught up in the vengeance of these beasts who roam the streets.

It was just so vivid, like it was really happening, and I was lying in the grass, peeping over at it, until there was just silence.

Cant make much more of that dream, thanks for the input,

Ste, dreams like that are just the shits. On the occasional time I have had one, it wrecks my whole day as I can't decide if it is a memory or a dream, although my logical thinking self knows its a memory, it just feels so real and is so unsettling. Peace, Andrew
I had another weird dream, most of it I cannnot remember, and I just felt that there was no feeling or numbness of any emotions about it.

I was in a busy shopping mall, nobody knew me, so I guess it was somewhere where I did not live.

I found myself in a lift and somehow ended up in a building which was under construction.

There was a woman hurrying with a baby in a buggy to get into her car, and get out quickly.

Almost all of the windows were blocked with concrete slabs, and one that I thought I could get out of was just being blocked by a guy on the outside, and he was saying there is an open window on the other side.

When I got out through the window, I found myself in a small town nearby, and saw some faces, but just wanted to get away before they recognised me.

A lot of my dreams contain concrete, and I hate the stuff, but this stuff is related to childhood.

That is the only part of the dream that makes sense.

God, does anybody have weirder dreams than me,

ok, my interepretation...

Dream 1: You are at safe point in your life, hence across the stream and no longer vulnerable in life, so congratulations.

But now you want to save that little child, whom you could not save earlier.

And this powerful woman figure in your life who could have saved you, wasn't bothered at all. It is a chance for you to go across and save that man. Because now you can.

Ste, DREAM 2:
Again that woman, too busy to bother, look at you, or too caught up in her own worries, any connections?
The mall can be any place, a new place you are visiting in your life, but are not too excited about, go thru it.

And that construction site can be you future in making. So you have to be careful not get back into your old patterns, where you would find familar faces of fear. Push thru that man, who is blocking you, dont listen to him, and yes you can break thru any wall you want in life as well in your dream. Once you start believing that you have the power over your life.
Wow, you fascinated me with your reply.

The guy in the window wore dark glasses and a cap,I can remember his face, but not a person that I know or can place.

Funnily I was about to crawl through the gap, and should have pushed him away.

I dont know really who the woman is, but just hope she is wanting to help, not hide,



Dreams are a big problem, yes. I have been ambuished by them enough times that I frequently wonder what is fantasy and what is reality.

Has a T been able to help you with this? My guess is that a T would have valuable comments and explanations.

Much love,
These dreams are saying ste is safe now, or he isnt.

That is not new, he wakes up from dreams so much,but he is conditioned to do that.

It is far better than night terrors where he clung to his stuffed toy, just to feel safe, and never sleep till dawn.

Walls seemed to just fall in on him, and no way he could look anywhere in his room, sobbing to himself.

Never feeling safe, because his older brother did not validate his fears, and his younger brother could not be old enough to undertand.

I did not understand, I still dont, but I only know the nightmares of past when he woke up screming at night, and being told to shut up by his older brother.

The worst thing he thought as a boy, was that he would die.

This is what made his nightmares real, that he had no way out.

He sometimes goes that way, and just gets withdrawn and like nobody thinks he is there.

That is why he has those dreams of maybe empty emotion, because he may not be able to face them,

Dreams for me are very real, they help me tap into guidance from my subconscious. The clear symbol of your life situations are your dreams, and I am glad you have found greater clarity over the days. If you still feel stuck, no problem, ask for greater clarity right before you go to sleep!

I guess now you have figured out that man with black specs was your brother, who was pushing you back, not allowing you validate your fears or to come out of your walled existence, its time you break those walls you have build around yourself all those years, by embrace the new that is already happening in your life, with full force of your being.

Yes, you will have to do it yourself, with expecting someone else do it for you, they are all busy tackling their own life.

I also sense this to be a clear reminder for you to step out of your past, as you have a tendency of slipping back into your familiar patterns of self indulgent despair.

Your fears are as important as you make them. As for your nightmares, you can heal them, when you wake from one, just ask God to heal it with his light and watch it disslve into light, or make it happen the way you want to. If ou want to become powerful in the dream, do just that. It might be a practise session for real life.

Once again, embrace the new in your life, without looking for signs of imperfection stemming from your lack of self worth. You are worthy of all the goodness in life, now allow it to materialise.

All the best, and keep me posted about your dreams, so much of me seem to be reflected in them. Thanks.

back to the first dream across the stream.
Streams I am drawn to, as they are natural barriers, bar the bridges that cross them.

If you have access to image forum, I can post some pics of the stream I love, not the one I am talking about.

The one in the dream is significant for the following reason. It puts a barrier between two neighbourhoods, mine which is quiet and happy, the other is a load more violent.

So it is a safety barrier, the other thing is that I hate to see violence.

The second dream I guess was my brother, but I cannot place the woman with the buggy.

She seemed to be in her early thirties, and the only one I could think of was Suzanne who I fell in love with, she said she would never have kids, so maybe she did by accident, I dont know.

She has been out of my life for almost a year now, and she was the only girl who really knew me.

We used to poke each other, and shout at each other, but we made each other beam when we exchanged glances.

I am only clutching at straws and I did not have any dream recollection of last night.

I will post any more that I recall, but your explanation was enlightening.

The asking God to shine light, I did that when I had real nightmares as a kid, and screamed at the demons to go away, and it did work after constantly perfecting my defence against them.

Thanks again,

I too hated violence, prefered to stay away, my father was violent man when angry, so much so that I was afraid of getting angry myself when I needed to, when it could have saved me, as I learnt to avoid confrontation at all costs, I turned my anger inwards, hating myself for not standing up for myself, because I was too chicken to express even my genuine anger. I thought all anger is wrong or bad as it is hurtful etc... and gets you into more trouble as speaking up in front of dad.
Now I learning to get angry in a normal way or should I say express my displeasure or even discontent, instead of exploding like a firecracker sporadically.

That dream woman could be a metaphor for woman who was too busy or unwilling to bother about your real needs. May be it is a sign to watch out for!