


how i ask fo rhlep, when don'tknow w aht wrrong? I know somethin wrorng, people tell mem so, but whod o i eblieve? i know I mamke people mad beccause tthey maye think i ddoin wrong thtings. i see thiem, i'm nott crayzy. I promiis, not ccrazy, not tiered. bbut mmaybe i doing something wrong annyway?

You are asking.

You are not crazy. That is certain.

You can trust the people who have helped you before. They will help you again, if you let them. You know people who are close to you that have helped you. They do care and they will help.

You do nothing wrong. You are learning to do new, different things. But you do no wrong.

Hang in there. We care about you, and we will listen.

Andrei crazy you definitely are not. You are a young man coming to grips with the shit that went on in your life. A bunch of gd predators who took advantage of their positions of power to desicrate you in an evil and most sickening way. God damned perverts all of them.

You are making headway and dont forget that. I will not lie and say it is not difficult. It is. Bu you must look at the road at all times. You also must remember that you are part of a brotherhood that will be with you for the rest of your life and cheer every sucess you have. And there will be many I guarantee it.

Your presence here has been a gift to us and there are many here you have touched directly with your humanity, gentleness and kindness.

Finally you are not doing anything wrong. It all just seems so confusing at times. And just rant and ask and we will be there for you.

Lets have a standing ovation for Andrei


No, you aren't crazy. I KNOW from crazy, my dear friend :D , and you aren't so.

Tired? Working on issues? Hell, yes! Many times over. And you have the right to be tired. You also have the right to find out as much as you need to. So, you also aren't doing anythign wrong.

A standing ovation is what the doctor ordered.


So, be gentle with yourself today. I'm trying, Lord, I'm trying, so you have to as well. Doctor's orders.

Peace and love, my dear friend.


Listen to your good brothers, some of them have been where you are, and some of them are on the other side throwing you a life line. Grab onto it and hang on, we will pull you over to the good side of all of this.
You have done a really good job of facing this head on. Sometimes we have back lashes. You know, those times when we feel that nothing is going right and everything is going wrong. But, Andrei, I can tell you, these are only temporary times. They won't last. They won't win, you will. Yes, you will. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it, but those/these are the times to think about your brothers, here, and remember how much they are pulling for you. You've got email addresses, you have PM capabiltiy, you've got posting here...don't forget the phone numbers when you want to use them. All of these ways of communicating that you have, use them. Write your heart out, we will listen...AND RESPOND.
Take the best of care,
Strength and courage,
No, Andrei, you are not crazy. You are very tired, my friend, and being tired can alter your perception of things. It can make things safe seem not safe. It can make other things seem threatening when they aren't. It can cause you to see and hear things that are not really there. It can cause other parts of your body to not work as well. Please, try to hold on to what IS safe, what IS good for you, and please try to rest. I love you my friend.
