donntk now

donntk now


i want post, not want posts, not know whaht i am doingnow. fels like people nnot listenn of what i sayy, bbut if thhey do i cannt ssay what is hahpening in my hhead, not lknow, everything all messes uup, makeing ppeople madat me.. ppoepl ckeep asking me to do thinngs i cannt do, telingme to do thinkngs i cannt do, i cant say no at thhem, sccared oof having more mad t me. ffell likke litle kkid in torouble with adultlts, sccaredd.

Like I said earlier, we're all here for you.

Post here or private mail me if you need to chat or something.


Leosha, this is a good time to talk to your therapist. People who are not trained to help folks--such as friends etc.--can't help much.

We can support you and listen. But your therapist can do so much more.

Leosha has it right on the head. Get to your therapist. And like crisispoint we are all here for you.