Doing better

Doing better


I hadn't been here again for most of a week, and just rather 'caught up' some, at least on this board. It always seems to feel good to come here, even when i am feeling bad on things, because it is like a sanctuary of sort to me.

I am actually doing better. I feel good about it. I spent much of this week catching up on appointments, with doctors and therapist. Finally, I get some good news from the specialist, even though he does not know what is actually wrong, he has taken away some of the most serious possibilities. That relieves some of the worry I've had for several weeks now. Maybe I won't be such a jackass, yes? haha

At some point tonight, I even anticipate sleep.


what makes you such a great guy is 'you tell it like it is'.

its' good to like yourself too.

glad you are doin' great & feelin' good.
stay strong. :cool:

I am glad the serious possibilities are all but eliminated. Must be a relief not to worry about those anymore.

Take care,
Leo I am very happy for you.

Now I defy anyone here to say they have never seemed to be a jackass. Hey we all fear the unknown.

And you know what. I have been around real jackasses and they seem to have a godd time. (the four legged kind).
Hi, did someone call for a jackass? :D

It's good to know the most worst is not coming to pass. I hope you do get some of that sleep, and that it is restful.

I think you remember hearing a sound like this "Heeeee-haaaw!" somewhere, don't you? :)
