Does anyone else feel this way
Well lately I have been thinking about alot of stuff. I dont really know where to start. but ill try
I have been mostly thinking alot about who I am. I have a problem with the word attraction. For since I can remember I have always liked girls and even though I have and i think that they look good I cant ever seem to bring myself to say that they are attractive because in some part of me it feels like im not telling the truth or im lying. I dont think I am but thats how I feel.
When I see a guy whos good looking theres also this feeling that comes up in me---like this feeling of inferiority and something else too--i dont know what it is--all i know is that it is quelled when I think that i look as good as the guys I see or that I am as much of a man as that guy I see. I dont really know how to describe it. Of course like many other survivors I have dealt with my sexuality and I still beleive that I am heterosexual. But when these issues come up it makes me question it again and again. I dont really know what to do I am trying so hard to find an answer to these questions.??? I am just so lost and confused????
ALong with these questions go many others--I dont know what it feels like to be a man_-What do I do what do I say?? I just am so tired of it and sometimes I just want to end it all but I know that I never could because my god keeps me from ever even getting close to a thought of actually going through with it.
Can someone help me know what is wrong/??
Thank You
I have been mostly thinking alot about who I am. I have a problem with the word attraction. For since I can remember I have always liked girls and even though I have and i think that they look good I cant ever seem to bring myself to say that they are attractive because in some part of me it feels like im not telling the truth or im lying. I dont think I am but thats how I feel.
When I see a guy whos good looking theres also this feeling that comes up in me---like this feeling of inferiority and something else too--i dont know what it is--all i know is that it is quelled when I think that i look as good as the guys I see or that I am as much of a man as that guy I see. I dont really know how to describe it. Of course like many other survivors I have dealt with my sexuality and I still beleive that I am heterosexual. But when these issues come up it makes me question it again and again. I dont really know what to do I am trying so hard to find an answer to these questions.??? I am just so lost and confused????
ALong with these questions go many others--I dont know what it feels like to be a man_-What do I do what do I say?? I just am so tired of it and sometimes I just want to end it all but I know that I never could because my god keeps me from ever even getting close to a thought of actually going through with it.
Can someone help me know what is wrong/??
Thank You