Do not know why it happen
I know that I am safe right now. I am with people I trust, and am able to do some things I enjoy right now. I know that I am maybe more tired right now for some reasons, but it is not as I have not been sleeping at all, I know when I do that, and not sleep, it make my mind go crazy. But that is not what happen now, I have been sleeping some. But I just feel scared, I do not know why, I just am. Yesterday, it start happening last night some, and it still is here now. I feel not happy in my skin, like I want to peel it off, I want to be out of it, because it is damaged of all this, and wonder if it always wil be there. It is like stain, permanent dirty on my skin, and I just want to be out of it. Have been feeling some better, and understanding it more, but now, I know it don't make sense, but it is as I carry them with me, my skin feels crawly and I feel like I need to be ready to run away, even though none them are here now. I don't know why, just want it to go way right now.