Discrimination and abuse

Discrimination and abuse


I told the cops of my abuse and they never caught him, which meant I have no love of the cops.

I figure out that abuse leads to silence, but is it because of the extreme shame that if we tell and it goes against us, it could lead to not wanting to live anymore.

A strong fear of backlash by peers and family stopped me from telling teachers or those close to me what really happened.
It was so terrible a life to keep silent from all those I knew.

Its a nightmare if I care to look back on the strains of my childhood, not being able to reach out to anybody.
You guess as a boy that they would always say you asked for it.

So, Ok, I was abused and in fear of my life, I didnt like it, it hurt me.
Then I read of guys who were caught up in the snare of grooming perps who could shut kids up goodstyle.

It got me thinking on, 'how hard can that be'!
I cannot even think of the mindset of any abuse situation, only my own, which of course kept me silent like everyone else.

Female abuse of males seems to be worse, as a boy tends to be complicit in sex with a woman even though it is indeed coercion, and the guys who got hurt by women are real hurt.

I was thinking about difference between sexes, and how a male is seen to always be participant in abuse, where a female is seen as passive, even now in the justice system which is meant to be indiscriminate between sexes.

That is why I always say there is not a scale of abuse, only what you perceive the abuse has done to you in the past and how you coped with it.

It is not the abuse, but the cycle of events that follow any part of our lives that cause reaction to past events.
I saw all men as a teen as potential abusers and ended up being hurt by them also.

They took advantage of me then, and made my life hell as a young apprentice, but I always got them back for what they did to me.

Do we form our own discrimination by feeling 'odd' in a society that really needs ppl like us to guide them through what they could never know, I dont know!

I would like your experience of discrimination directly attributable to abuse,
