


Hello. Thank you for the support you have given to me. I had a disclosure talk a couple of weeks ago. May I share my impressions with you? I have recently told my best friend about what happened to me in my childhood. He said he was shocked.

We have been friends since high school, and as long as we live in different areas, we see each other on a rare occasion. Still, I was talking to him about almost anything I had but the abuse. He's a good man to talk about politics, culture, etc.

This time we were sitting together, he proposed to drink some beer, and we talked as usual. Then I asked him about whether or not he experienced any kind of childhood abuse, and he said he had not. However, I think his family's problems have influenced him. After that I just said I had been sexually abused, and briefly described it.

I said he was the first man I told for 10 years about the abuse. He replied he felt the responsibility.

I had never seen him behaving the way he did before. HE said it was a shocking thing. As he put it, I was extremely hard to be close with. To the end of the meeting, he said, "Don't feel despair."

I hope I'll see him again. What I did was hard to do, and I know something has changed in our relationship. Also, I noticed that I became a more real part of life. I felt better, and harder at the same time.

At least, I was honest to him.

Dude you did it, that is one of the hardest things to say. You are doing great. Now that you have broken through the darkness and told. This is a great start keep moving forward. Have you found a Therapist to help you move forward?

Lots of love, Nathan
Thanks Nathan! I do not work with a therapist. I only hope I will do some day. I have already had an unfortunate experience with a therapist. She did not understand why I hurt every single day.

It seems that I tend to dissociate, and cease recovery work sporadically. However, as I learn from your replies, a healing is very hard to progress without a professional help. I don't know what to do. I am so weak. I need help.