Disclosure day

Disclosure day


Well, tomorrow is my big day. I don't even have any anxiety about this. I'm just gonna do it. The HELL with consequences and feelings, I'm just gonna do what I should have done when I was 9.

My parents loved me then and still do, (even though they were far from perfect).

Hey guys? Could you please tell me that you're with me? I would appreciate knowing that I'm not alone. I never told ANYBODY this but..............I think I love you guys.
Hauser, I'm awed by your courage and boldness. You know I'm with you, man. And thanks for telling us -- it feels nice to hear it, and we love you, too. Seriously, good wishes for you tomorrow and always.

Hauser, I too am bolstered by your courage. I too have a disclosure of sorts I need to deal with and am making plans toward that end, so what you are doing has a "ripple effect" if you will, on myself.

I'm so with you on this. I wish you courage and strength as the time nears, and please try to ingnore the crazymaker should he raise his ugly head. He's a useless character at best, and a damn contemptable one at worst.


Lots of love,

hauser,when your there talking to them look around ,you might just see a shadow there it will be me , one thing ,you might feel sad angry ,nervous, crazy ,but do not feel ashamed ,you have nothing to be ashamed of. they won't see someone who has been abused they will see your courage . just like we do .please let us know how it goes ,i tend to worry about the people i love shadow.
Try and be good to yourself ... eat the breakfast you want. Take a walk to a favorite place. Listen to your favorite and inspirational music. With courage you don't even now you have you'll take this big step forward.

Its going to be hard verbalising it, I know I had trouble talking about it when I told my mom. I couldn't say much, but I got it out.

On the day I disclosed to my parents one thing I decided to do was to just STOP thinking about it. I had had enough. I just spent my morning in a relaxed way, then at 10 we talked.

As soon as my parents entered the room my plans were all out the window anyway - it was just too emotional. But it was great. I got out what needed to be said and then we had some time to talk.

You will do fine bro. It will be scary until you get the words out, and then the stone will be off your back.

Just think what an amazing relief that will be, not about specific things you will say.

Much love,