Disclosure at a new level, family, friends and coreligionists
With the help of my therapist I have been moving slowly towards new levels of disclosure regarding the sexual abuse that occurred in the context of my faith community when I was a teenager. I have used the posting which is now in Survivor Stories, Danny Fowler Story, as a way of communicating the grief and hurt the sexual abuse has caused me.
At first, I allowed a few close friends to read what I had written on the Discussion Board, then some family members who had no idea of what had happened.
This week I surprised myself by sending this story to about 15 people on my e-mail list.
This letter accompanied the writing.
Gotta run to class.
Your brother,
At first, I allowed a few close friends to read what I had written on the Discussion Board, then some family members who had no idea of what had happened.
This week I surprised myself by sending this story to about 15 people on my e-mail list.
This letter accompanied the writing.
this is one of the first responses I have received. I'll let you know how it goes.Danny - Wow. What a story. The pain. I am so glad to know you on this side
of recovery. My love to you - Betsy
> Hello to my friends and family,
> These mass mailings are usually troublesome, and this one is not an exception.
> I apologize for lumping you all together like this, however since many of you
> already are acquainted perhaps it's not all that bad.
> I'm writing to share with you all some writing that I have recently completed.
> In the form of an answer to a question posed on an on-line discussion board,
> this piece was written all in one sitting late one night and early the following
> morning.
> The web-site is MaleSurvivor.org, which is a national organization that exists
> to overcome the sexual abuse of boys and men. I have recently become affiliated
> with this organization and this composition represents one of my first efforts
> to put on paper a part of the story of the how being sexually abused has plagued
> my life.
> It's possible that I am seeking to elicit some greater understanding on your
> part. Perhaps even more sympathy, though all of have been so incredibly kind
> and caring of me.
> The real reason for writing, publishing and sharing this with others such as
> you, is to break down finally that wall of denial and silence which allows the
> deleterious effects of sexual abuse to cause so much damage and grief.
> Thank God that wall is slowly being destroyed.
> I hope that this will not trouble any of you too much. And I hope you all will
> know that I am sharing this with you each individually because you are each
> loved by me. I have finally become willing and able to begin to recover from
> the long standing hurt suffered when I was still a young teen.
> It might be hard to read. If so, please accept my apologies for any discomfort
> you may experience.
> No response is required. Nothing to really fix. I have been and still am
> working with a very qualified therapist (one of the members of the bevy of
> mental health experts required to keep me half way sane!).
> We are now approaching a level of disclosure that seems to lead to more public
> confrontation of this problem. Before the public disclosure occurs, I wanted to
> take this chance to tell you all privately.
> It is still very difficult at times for me to talk about. Particularly
> repeating it over so often as I have done in the last few years.
> When I spontaneously wrote this account of a few of the salient events in this
> saga of growing up sexually abused, I found a means to let many people know what
> had happened to me.
> I hope also to let other boys and men know that there is a way out, there is a
> solution when one is victimized as I was.
> Thanks to all of you for the love and friendship I have been so privileged to
> enjoy over the years. Perhaps it is unfair of me to ask you to share in this
> burden that I bear. Please know that is offered now that it seems to be
> approaching some type of resolution.
> It is hoped that this will published in the national journal of MaleSurvivor in
> the sping 2004 issue. We'll see.
> Thank you all for taking the time to read and to care.
> Love,
> Danny
> Some of you may receive multiple copies, especially if you maintain more than
> one e-mail account. Sorry......DF
Gotta run to class.
Your brother,