Difficulty "getting up" in the morning.

Difficulty "getting up" in the morning.


I seem to still have the same problem I was having before I took time off from school/went back home: I don't want to get up in the morning. I know I can do it, when I was working 9 to 6 every weekday I would get up before 8 AM no problems. Now that I'm back at school, I'm in a situation that, I am sure, is the cause of almost overwhelming depression along with flashbacks. It's frustrating because I waste 4 to 5 hours sleeping when there are a lot of other things I need to take care of, and not just school!

I really don't know what to do, I can only keep trying but I would hate to think that I could not find something that works. So far, I have disciplined myself to get ready for bed at 10 PM and be in bed by 11 PM. This works most of the time, but maybe 3 times a week I experience anxiety and flashbacks, which keep me awake while in bed and influence my desire to get up the next day. I've tried sleeping pills, they don't make getting up easier; I've tried having family call me, I usually go back to sleep right after they call; I've even tried auto-coffee makers or taking meds immedately after I get up, all sorts of things that just don't seem to work.

I want to have my alarm go off and, instead of rolling back into bed, get up, take a shower, eat something, maybe even do some exercise (god forbid) and look at the day feeling all the potential it has. Does anyone have any suggestions? It seems that, after reliving all the trauma at night, I wake up with absolutely no zest for life and only a hatred for my current situation.
Put your alarm clock in a place that you have to get out of bed to turn it off . and make sure it is the type that will not stop untill you get up and turn it off .

I wonder if you are reacting to getting up like this because you feel your life is out of control and no matter what you do it will just be more frustration. Just a thought.

If that's the case then maybe what is needed is to talk so someone about this.

Mike, my alarm clock is way up on a shelf so I do have to get up to turn it off, and it won't stop until I turn it off or hit the snooze button. It's just that I wake up with out any desire to face the day, I feel like shit. I only feel like this because of the situation I am in and I really don't know what I can do to change it. I'm supposed to graduate in May, so it's not a permanent problem, but I wish I could figure out a way not to be so miserable in my current situation.

roadrunner, I do feel like my happiness is out of my control where I am at right now and I do feel like there is nothing I can do to change that. I am going to start seeing a therapist because I do think I need someone to talk to, I just haven't had good experience with therapists. I just feel like a fuck up, getting up in the morning is so easy for others and I know it should be easy for me, but it's like my brain, my thoughts make me immediately give up. I love accomplishing things, I would rather wake up and take care of my shit and experience that high of getting things done but there is something within myself that is betraying that desire.
Darn it. Wrote a reply to this and lost it. bisulanto, boy do I identify with you. My advice, and keep in mind that I'm great at giving it and not so great at taking it, is to try to schedule something early....like: walking with a friend, having someone stop for coffee on their way to work, having someone willing to talk to you on the phone for ten or fifteen minutes in the moring maybe on a cell phone on their way to work, going out to McDonald's for coffee when you get up, going to a friend's for coffee when you get up. I'm like you. If I have somewhere I have to go, I get up and go. If I don't, I'm in real trouble because there's a part of me that does the depression thing and doesn't want to do anything....can't do anything. The negative self talk about why I'm not doing what I should be doing is the worst. If you can stop beating yourself up about it, do stop. Give yourself a break. I sure do understand why you're doing it, and I'm sure you understand why I do it. Now if we could both reverse that and understand why we do it ourselves...... then at least we wouldn't make it worse by being upset with ourselves for doing it....not doing it?....which makes it even worse. The problem builds on itself. Anyway, that's my suggestion. Try to schedule something even if it's a very artificial something, that you have to do. They could put my alarm clock in the next city, and I could still turn it off and go back to bed. But if someone was standing beside it when I got up to turn it off, or ringing my doorbell and waiting for his cup of coffee or for me to take that morning run, or on the phone saying "Get a cup of coffee and talk to me while I drive to work." I'd have a chance. Just thought of this one....how about a cat? I've got one that starts meowing at five every morning and won't shut up until I feed her. Hope it helps. And really, bisulatino, I take what you're saying seriously. It can be a serious problem and a very depressing one. Don't let it go on too long without finding a good t. You ain't lazy, you're depressed.


Bobby's suggestion that this is depression is something to look into. That can really weigh you down and prevent you from doing ANYTHING. I remember one day I could hardly struggle out of my house, caught my bus to the University, decided I didn't need to go in that day after all, changed my mind and thought, oh, I need to stop at the supermarket - that's what I'll do, and then by the time I got there I realized I didn't need anything, so I went back home and realized, hmmmmm, here I am back in the house. Now what do I do? It really is debilitating.

Take care,

I can only identify with you all to well. I am the same way. When I work I can get up and not have any problems but when it is for school I can stay in bed and sleep the morning away. With me I know it is because I am afraid of succeeding in school. If I get up and go to school I am not the worthless person who is not going to do anything with his life. It is easier to stay in bed and not have to worry about what happens when I graduate because I am making sure that does not happen. This is how I felt when I was at that stage. I hope you do not feel the same way but if you do remember that it is not true. You do deserve to make a better life for yourself and you will be great at what ever you are learning to do.

I am now in a stage in my life where I can't do that anymore. I have a child and a job and am still studying. But 3 years ago I was where you are now. The first thing I think is that you are right when you say it is temporary. Once there are no more classes it probably will go away. Second, Try giving yourself awards for getting up and doing what you have to do. If you get up every day for a week say to yourself you can do something special at the weekend. Another Idea is to try and make a list of all the things you have to do the next day the night before. Read over the list a couple of time before going to bed and maybe it will motivate you to get up the next morning.

If the cat thing does not work trying getting a little baby.
:D :D :D

Take care,

I really appreciate all the suggestions guys. It's such a trial and error thing and I've yet to get over it. Having something to do in the morning is very important, but I have all afternoon classes. I really wish I had a friend I could ask to give me something to do in the morning, but another thing I am struggling with is having no friends at this school, at least ones I could ask to help me out like that.

Writing down things I need to do tomorrow sounds like a good idea. If I can get someone to do something with in the morning then I'll do that, I may just get a family member to call me and talk to me in the morning, since it just seems my thoughts are a mess at that time. I live in the dorms so my options are really limited. I am working with the university to get some extra help and hopefully extra attention from Disability Resources. Also am still looking for a therapist, many of the ones I have contact are already booked up.