Different help for all of us
Mike Church
All of us here in the discussion board have some really big issues to deal with no matter who we are. And we spend a lot of time dealing with them here, with, our Ts And Ps and with those who love us outside this WOLF PACK . It is good that we can express yourselves freely and honestly with nothing but support in return. This also included the chat room for those who go there.
It is tough slogging and can be very emotional for us. We also have to realize that there is also a tremendous need to keep the body healthy in addition to the mind. Now Wuamei and others have helped in a big way with jokes and music and poetry. But there is other stuff too guys. And some of us do it in chat. I mean we dont have to wear sack cloth and ashes and beat ourselves up all the time.
How about some just plain beautiful music, continue the jokes but also consider ways that you help the body and share it with us. It is important too in our overall health and also goes a long way to helping with the worth and esteem issues. My brother wolves we cannot ignore the body because it where our soul lives.
I am starting this thread for the benefit of all of us here so please do not think that I am aiming at anyone in particular. I know the benefits I have been reaping from belonging to a health club, inline skating and mountainbiking as well as camping and hiking.
I know that Wuamei gets a great deal of pleasure teaching water aerobics and that it also helps his body. And others of you do other suff. But guys you have to share this too ok.
God knows we need every tool we can lay our hands on. I know that you can all donate something here. What helps you, physically as well as dealing with the demons. I have said to others here that I had a big stuffed animal that was my demon slayer and slept with him all the time. I also like to read childrens books. They are simple yet full of a lot of lifes truths.
So come on fellow wolves lets get it up here for all of us. Tell us what you do so we can all benefit. If some of you would like to inline skate I have a lot of info I can share with you.
I know what I would like to know is how to imoport a picture and some of those neat graphics into a post. Remember I am 62 and not totally with it or here. Been accused of being out to lunch on a number of occasions
It is tough slogging and can be very emotional for us. We also have to realize that there is also a tremendous need to keep the body healthy in addition to the mind. Now Wuamei and others have helped in a big way with jokes and music and poetry. But there is other stuff too guys. And some of us do it in chat. I mean we dont have to wear sack cloth and ashes and beat ourselves up all the time.
How about some just plain beautiful music, continue the jokes but also consider ways that you help the body and share it with us. It is important too in our overall health and also goes a long way to helping with the worth and esteem issues. My brother wolves we cannot ignore the body because it where our soul lives.
I am starting this thread for the benefit of all of us here so please do not think that I am aiming at anyone in particular. I know the benefits I have been reaping from belonging to a health club, inline skating and mountainbiking as well as camping and hiking.
I know that Wuamei gets a great deal of pleasure teaching water aerobics and that it also helps his body. And others of you do other suff. But guys you have to share this too ok.
God knows we need every tool we can lay our hands on. I know that you can all donate something here. What helps you, physically as well as dealing with the demons. I have said to others here that I had a big stuffed animal that was my demon slayer and slept with him all the time. I also like to read childrens books. They are simple yet full of a lot of lifes truths.
So come on fellow wolves lets get it up here for all of us. Tell us what you do so we can all benefit. If some of you would like to inline skate I have a lot of info I can share with you.
I know what I would like to know is how to imoport a picture and some of those neat graphics into a post. Remember I am 62 and not totally with it or here. Been accused of being out to lunch on a number of occasions