darkness is closing around me, day after day, night after becomes thicker, and the light of life drifts farther away...its so hard to keep on struggling everyday to get out of bed in the morning, to sleep at night, to actually live a life. i rarely leave my apartment, not even for therapy appointments anymore. i am feeling that all is lost, that all i hopeless...i can't do this anymore. i can't live life anymore. life is only hell...only sharp pain, cutting deep through the roots of my very soul. i am torn. everyday is another day closer to the end for me...except something keeps me from doing it. that f###ing something is the only thing that is keeping my pathetic lifeless self here on this planet. and i hate it. i can't deal with this pain anymore...and i don't have the energy to deal with this anymore, no more motivation. ever since i drove my girlfriend away, i have nothing left. i have no parents try to be there for me, but where were they then...during those years. they didn't f###ing care about me then...ever since the day my twin sisters were born, i was alone. i was neglected. so i turned to my cousin when i was about 9. we hung out all of the time. rode bikes thru trails, played guns, played video games. it was the person i had to connect with around me. the only person that showed me care. so when he would want me to be his little bitch, i f###ing took it, not to break the only love i was given. he always played the hero during our "playig guns", and in the dark room in his house, i would play his "girl", and give him blowjobs, get f###ed anally, please him in whatever way he wanted. but what about me, i was never pleased, i was f###ing betrayed by that f###ing bastard. god, i swear, i am going to f###ing tear him to shreds, inch by inch. my life has been destroyed by that kid. he was 13 at the time, and i was nine. and for two years that i can remember, thats how it always happened. time for me then is all jumbled, i can hardly remember most of my life before seventh grade. i am 22 years old now, and f###ing up in college. my girlfriend recently broke up with me, because i can't seem to trust anyone. which, besides all of this coming out, has been a devastation to my life. she has been my support, my love, my embracing arms for almost two years. we had plans...long term plans. and now she is gone, and i have no one...i am alone. i am desparate, i am dying each day...and i feel that nothing can save me. my therapist told me about this site a few months ago, and i have come to look around, read some posts, get some insight, never really feeling able to post anything myself. so now, i reach out for support, some help, because i have nothing life is going to be over soon if i can't find love somewhere...and i am only hanging by a me...please...make this pain go away...