


Am having a tough time right now. For the last week I have been rather quick to anger. I have not felt like myself, have had the urge to begin crying about the stupidest things. The problem is that I am having a difficult time identifying where my anger(it's more like rage)is coming from. Have not been thinking about the a-hole lately, so I don't think my rage has anything to do with him(which probably makes this an off-topic post--sorry!). I am tired all the time, hardly ever in a good mood anymore. This, of course, affects everyone at home; my wife thinks she did something wrong, all the kids think they have done something wrong. I love them all dearly but their frustration with my mood is starting to frustrate and irritate me. I feel like I am on edge. All my humor is gone, and I feel like I am on the edge of something and ready to topple over. Everything in my life is depressing me, and I honestly don't think it has anything to do with my baby-sitter-from-hell. But part of me is afraid that if this frigging mood catches up with those thoughts, I might break. Please, don't tell me how good therapy is. I have neither the time or money for therapy. I have no motivation. I am not suicidal, but my life, my entire situation seems so freaking hopeless. Helpless. Un-necessary.
Sorry, guys; once again, I'm sure this is off topic and will probably be locked out or deleted or something. Thought I might feel better after putting it down, but I don't. Pathetic.

You sure sound a lot like me, but then I know the resaon why I am depressed, I suffer from clinical depression. Now I am not saying that you are suffering from the same. I am not a doctor but you portray the symptons that I suffer from, mood swings, no motivation, feeling so "freaking hopeless and "ready to topple over". It is a vicious circle that sometimes needs a little help to break. I suggest you go and see your doctor, with his help you should be able to emerge on the other side of this. I know it sound cliche and it makes me mad as anything when people say to me "this too shall pass" but it is true.

Hope you feel better sooner, rather than later.

"Lets take this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit".
Don't let it go. Sometimes it just gets worse and worse. Sometimes you just need a little help. Don't be hesitant to let your wife know how you feel. She will be able to deal with it, if she understands. And it's not off topic. Depression is such a big part of this thing. Don't let it get to the point that you literally can't move. I was almost there once. You're so far down that you really don't understand what's happening to you, just that everything in the world is heavy and pushing down on you. If you don't have time and money for therapy, a regular doctor can help. Don't let it go, please. This may be just a passing thing, but don't take that chance. I know how that feels and I know it can be helped. I was very nearly hospitalized for depression, and had no idea that I was as depressed as I was. I just thought I was going through a "down" time. Bobby
You just described the me of five years ago. You can get through this, it just takes time and effort.

If I can do it anyone can.
What you say sounds very familiar to me for me its depression. Its rough but as already said it will pass, I think it is worth considering talking to your doctor about it. I have taken anti-depressants and they worked very well for me. Any physical exercise even a half hour walk can help. As Bobby says its not off topic, for me its very much connected to abuse but when I am depressed it doesnt feel connected to it all.

Be gentle with yourself, its not your fault that you feel as you do and there are ways out of it.

I had made it, I thought. I was actually feeling worthy and life was worth living again and as soon as it appeared it faded into the insanity. Depressed and feeling like I had nothing to hope for anymore. I know the feeling. Realizing that the SA was the root of my problem was just the beginning, getting mad about it was another part and so on. But I think that I am mad again, realizing that he took 30 years of my life,(the unseen life destroying coping mechanisms) makes me mad all over again. I think that I will probably keep going through this periodically for a while. Who could get mad and start living all in one day or a week, the loss of thirty years is not something you get over in a few days or months. I know it will take some time. I just cant go back to wishing for the lottery or powerball it will not solve my problems like the addictions will not take the pain away forever. In time I will beat this thing. It is ok to be mad and depressed, dont beat yourself up, you have been through a lot, it will take time to heal.
Thanks for the responses so far. However, I still cannot shake this mood. It is now affecting my relationship with my wife and co-workers. I apologize in advance for the following, as it is quite long. Perhaps there is another place I should post this, but I cannot think of another place to put it.

Be warned: it is long and full of self pity. I wrote it the other day, trying to put my feelings down. Didn't help any, but maybe someone will read it and see something useful.

"How do you reconstruct your life when you think it has shattered yet you cannot pinpoint when it fell apart? The usual joys you had no longer even amuse you in the slightest. The smile you give your children is false, the words you say to your wife feel like lies, the face you look at in the mirror no longer looks back at you but glares back, accusingly. You can feel the threads of madness seeping in. Reflexes are shot. You drop things, forget things, try to recall exactly what the hell it was that you were doing.

Then things have to have a certain pattern. Like soap dispensers in the mens room. There are five on the counter, and they all have to be turned so that they point in the same direction. However, fixing the position of the dispensers can only be done an odd number of times a day. One to three times, never ending on an odd number(say, two, or four).

And then there is the rage, boiling just under the surface. It does not take much to make it all boil over. Then you wind up screaming, punching or pounding, your heart racing as the focus of your rage does whatever it was doing when it pissed you off to start with. Whether it is a wife complaining, another driver driving away, a child crying, whatever.

The pressure of everything pushing down on you. You can feel the weight of everything, not on your shoulders, as the poets would have you think, but on the top of your head. It makes you feel shorter, squishes you down.

The smile you give your children is false, because you cannot locate the happiness inside anymore. Its like you woke one morning and it was gone, left you in the middle of the night like a pet dog. You may be proud of their accomplishments, but it does not matter to you. What does any of it matter?

The words you tell your wife feel like lies because you have trouble saying anything with outright conviction. You may not be lying, but the words all feel strange, as if placed there in your mouth when you were not looking. Perhaps by the happiness that left you, one last prank before it skedaddled. The only time you say anything that feels right is when you actually do lie to her; when she asks how you are, or if you will be okay, and you answer yes, Ill be fine. That lie sounds right coming out, no matter how wrong you know the answer to be.

The face in the mirror is accusing you of the past. Every mistake, every person you ever hurt, they live there, in that mirror, contorting the face you see there into a mask of hatred.

You fix the soap dispensers, not because you know something horrible will happen if you dont, but you dont want to know the consequences of not making sure they are aligned perfectly. What is the penalty? Better to never know.

You are not suicidal, but you do not know how quickly you would move to get out of the way of a drunk driver.

Everything that mattered before no longer does. The morning cigarette, food, your favorite TV shows, people, family, a good book, a bad movie. The purpose behind it all is lost now.

Everything is on your mind, except the one thing you always blamed all of your failures and problems on, that one son-of-a-bitch that screwed up your childhood and thus affected you as an adult. For some reason, that one fricking thing eludes you, does not even come into your thoughts. It is not a welcome reprieve, because somehow everything feels worse.

You know there was something there before, but you do not know where you put it. You dont know how it broke or how to put all the pieces together again. You can see the pieces, but they are all from different puzzles. They dont fit together anymore. And you cant look at the cover to the box to see how the pieces connect because the box is there, but the cover is not.

The destruction is quite evident, but the weapon that caused it is not. What do you do? Where do you go? It is only the automatic things that you can now do successfully. Things that take no thought, no large amount of concentration.

Where is the cover to the box? Why does it matter?"
Man you have nailed the way I have felt in my life at times to a tee. I am 40 now and some of my depression, I found out, is coming from the fact that I have nothing left to fight for. I have achieved all the goals I set out to achieve. I have to sit down and regroup my life, now that I have come this far. I just recently realized after many years of counseling that the molestation had destroyed my life and now I am trying to put it all together again. I used to strive for things to bring my spirits up and now I no longer need things but now I do not know what to strive for. I do not need to prove myself to the world, I am having a hard time just being me, nothing to look forward to like I used to in the victim stage. Midlife crisis? I have been screwing around with the molestation thing for so long I dont know if I will have a midlife. Who knows, I believe it is just going to take some time and I know you know that so thanks for posting, again I feel normal knowing I am not alone in my feelings.

I have no advice to give, but I can say that you are not alone. I would like to be able to tell you that this will soon pass. I can tell you hang in there, eventually it will; sooner or later it will get better. Just as assuredly as the good times come to an end, so do the dark times.

I knew an old lady once who said that the good times were for giving us strength to make it through the bad times. The bad times are for teaching us lessons to be enjoyed in good times.

That little tidbit has helped me endure the dark times and to enjoy the good times and hang on to them.

Hope this helps.

Love ya


Others have suggested that you check on the possibility of depression and I can only second that. Finding the right medication can be time-consuming and frustrating, but once that is sorted out, man, what a difference.

Apart from that, I will only say that you should not sit alone with this. Tell your wife how you feel so at least your partner has some idea what is troubling you. Even if you can't name specific things, still, it's important to talk.

Much love,