Deborah LaFave

Deborah LaFave

Thanks for taking the time to communicate with Ted Webb. I am surprised at his response - perhaps I was too quick off the mark in proposing that he is just an opportunist. At the very least, however, he is being irresponsible in writing about an important issue without having up-to-date information. His position looks to me like he holds to that old view that this kind of thing is just a boy's "initiation into manhood", i.e. men are just sexual predators anyway, so you may as well start getting yours as soon as you can.

Again to John,

I think you are right on the mark in suggesting that Webb should not be attacked about this. A better approach is to try to get him to see how things really are.

This comes back to something I posted elsewhere. Society at large "knows" at some level that CSA against boys is wrong and extremely harmful, but at the individual level people are still unable to react to it personally in a helpful and enlightened way. Relatives and friends often bungle the task of reacting to us when we disclose, and Webb is doing the same sort of thing I think. He is just reacting to the case of LaFave as an uninformed member of the public. Reading what we have now, it looks to me like at first he wasn't really talking about CSA at all, but about what he sees as an example of the law running amok - again.

So the problem is not callousness or hostility, but rather lack of awareness and personal resources for dealing with what would be, for anyone, a real challenge in sensitivity.

So the problem is not callousness or hostility, but rather lack of awareness and personal resources for dealing with what would be, for anyone, a real challenge in sensitivity.
Perhaps, perhaps. But Roland's questions got me wondering, so I spent a few moments on Google. Ted Webb has been twice involved (named as an offender) in lawsuits for sexual harassment, in 1991 and 2001.

So, perhaps his childhood experiences have left him with some boundary issues?

It is all good and well that he makes an apology to one person in an email, and admits he was wrong, but let's see if such admissions make it on the air or his web site.

If you want to cut him some slack, fine, go ahead, but even though he is only an AM radio co-host in a minor market, he has a very big pulpit, much larger than any one of us.

I think he is no better, possibly worse, than the a$$hole DJ's everywhere who repeated and even solicited Michael Jackson jokes.

Sorry, but when I read his message to John, I don't see double standard, I see hypocrite. The same when I read through Webb's World postings on his site. I think he is lying about his childhood experience, or at least leaving out an important detail, such as the "older female", was, as John suggested, very close in age.

Or maybe he is just in deep denial, and we must add to the list of effects of CSA.
** One may grow up to be an AM radio co-host, who will say anything to avoid facing the truth.
When I look at these chat shows on TV which I refuse to do anymore, I think!

What a useless bunch of morons, with what their logic is in life.

Presenters trying to get the audience and viewers to listen to their totally misguided focus on life, without researching the subject question.

I have seen these shows, where the subject is turned around from abuse, to, oh well, he or she should have felt so proud and stuff.

It is a good job I dont have any heavy objects in the vicinity of the TV set, and that is how it gets to me.

People have a grossly distorted view of what is acceptable and what is not, but presenters should do their research before sensationalising and making their own judgement of what went on, or the possible outcome of a persons actions.

The age of consent is put there for a reason, you cannot say oh well, a boy seduced a woman or a man, nor can you say it was acceptable in former years. Or a different decade.

It freaks me out, because if a little girl seduced me or a boy, then as an adult I would have to refuse, why? Because I am a mature adult who knows the harm it does from experience.
