Dealing with crisis- Make A plan

Dealing with crisis- Make A plan


Hope this info. may help you guys.

1.Make a phone list of people you can call durning the hard times.
2.Make a list of things you can do when you are feeling overwhelmed.
3. Make a suicide prevention plan(notice the word Prevention)List what you will and will not do when you are feeling suicidal.Also list who you can call, a back up number and the number for your suicide prevention office. Finally write down why you deserve to live.(If you can't think of anything ask some one else).
4.Simplify your life. Make a list of what you are responiable for ex. financial, work, family ect.
5.Ask for help. Make a list of who you can ask and what you can ask them to help you with.
6. Create a light at the end of the tunnel. Get someone or yourself to write a letter of encouragemnet to you.Read this letter often when you are in crisis.Make a list of things that give you hope and refer to it often.

It is suggest that if you make these list and get them handy, it may help you go though a crisis abit easier. There is help out there and please Don't be afraid to use it.
Hope this might help some.
Great list. I like that it is proactive rather than reactive.
Great list. I like that it is proactive rather than reactive.
This is good Coolcat - I've been working on my plan myself - it isn't complete yet, but it's coming along.
Thank you so much for this valuable info. :)
Hey Coolcat, way to go man. I like the way you're headed with things. Keep it up bro, I'm honered to be on the path with you.
Thank you very much for this. It is similar to a list I have made for myself, of things to do when I am feeling of hurting myself, which seems to happen at least once every week or such. It is not so often that I actually feel like ending myself, but the self harm is more difficult to push away.

Also, John, welcome to the site.
