Daycare abuse - recovering memories

Daycare abuse - recovering memories


New Registrant
I'm a new member and this is my first posting. I'm wondering if any of you guys have had a similar experience or know of resources to deal with this...As a brief intro, I'm a 41-year old man, an alcoholic with almost 6 months of sobriety, and in therapy...history of depression, grew up with an alcoholic father and emotionally abusive mother.

When I was 4-5 years old my mother placed me in a daycare, where I know I was at least emotionally if not physically and sexually abused. The problem is I don't have memories of sexual abuse, but I've always suspected it happened. It may have also happened but outside of this daycare, for example at the hands of an extended family member. But I suspect more than emotional abuse happened in the daycare...however, I have no one to compare notes with as I was the only one in my family in there (am the youngest of 3 but my mother stayed home for my brother and sister). Does anyone know of resources for daycare abuse survivors to connect to compare stories, etc., or how to recover lost memories...I will also be working with my therapist on this but am trying other resources also.

Thanks guys for reading my post...this seems like a great site.

I don't have any experience with your particular situation, but I would like to welcome you to Male Survivor. We have a great community here and I think you will find a lot of solid support here.

On recovering memories by working with multiple resources all at once, I hope you will keep your T informed about what you are learning and feeling from your other contacts. He/she will be better able to help if you have provided as complete a picture as possible of what you are discovering elsewhere.

Much love,
comgratulations on the sobriety!!