
i'm curious... does anyone have like severe anxiety, obsessive compulsive, irritible bowel syndrome, or other stuff because of this?

I know that alot of brothers have medical issues from their sa. I know for my self that I have bleeding uclers, obsessive compulsive behaviors, short term and long term memery loss. I know that with this thread you will get alot of other brothers telling you of their issues. Welcome to the group my new brother.

lots of love, Nathan
yes, I have some of those. The OCD, Anxiety - panic attacks, and I take Omerprazole for my stomach problems- although my liking for hot curry and red wine might not help in that dep't !

Somewhere here thare is an old post about physical problems that ran for ages, but that's no reason not to let it start again here of course.
If I see it I'll link it.

Well, I can't sleep without drugs, I just can't. A lot of anxiety and panic atacks because of nightmares. Feeling nervous about going off them next week.

As far as obsessive behaviours... so many, I can't even start. Though I'm not sure they are all SA related.
Midnight 51: I am sorry for what has brought you to us but and very glad you are here.

Yeh I have had trouble sleeping, focusing on day to day stuff, alcoholism, heroin addiction, bulimia, anorexia, lying, cheating, obsessive compulsive behavior, distrust and anger at authority and society and so on and so on.

But one by one they fall by the wayside and as they do it gets easier to cope and feel good about yourself. It sounds trite but it really does happen. I am impatient and therefore I try to rush things. And that can screw me up a lot of times.

Nathan: Ulcers are caused by bacteria and can be cured very simply now. Get to a Doc my brother. No more cutting out some of the stomach or taking Zantac. Do it ok.

David: Curry and Red Wine. My god you are a masochist at heart. Why dont you try apple juice and steamed atlantic salmon instead. Nah. Then you would not be you. Just go easy on the stuff ok.
Well I PTSD, OCD, Depresion, Anxity, Trouble sleeping, Nightmares, Trouble with feelings of intamacey (spelling?), and Sexual Addaction. Just some of the great things my abuseres gave me with all the lies.
boy do i! just ask any woman i have gotten close to. cant stand crowds and confusion, IBS, Depression on and on i could go. just know you arent alone, and i have noticed as i have healed many of the problems have gotten better.

I wish you didn't have to come to a place like this, as wonderful and healing as it is, to ask such questions. Since you do have the need to be here, it's good to see that you made it. There are many wonderful people here, and several of them have replied to you already.

Here\'s at least one discussion of physical ailments that I saw around the time I registered here.

Here\'s a recent discussion on sexual dysfunctions.

Perps mess up kids. Those kids, we, grow into adults needing a way to get "unmessed up." Breaking silence and sharing strength are two good tools in that process. Welcome to the world of


Yep, been through the anxiety in an extreme way and while it is better, it is still there. That is one of the biggest reasons that I started to try and learn about relaxation which led me to my current endeavor of massage.

I have digestive problems and a nervous stomach/ulcer that I have fought with since a young child. MOst of the time if I keep stress down, I can keep this under control.

I also struggle with headaches and migraines that I have fought since a child. There are things that I am doing to help keep the migraine attacks down, but every now and then they get me.

LIke I said, these things have led me down a path to where I am currently at with Massage and holistic type practices. One day, I will get on top of these. Part of it for me is that I am beginning to learn how to accept all of myself (even the parts that cause me pain). That ain't easy either!

Ok, how to answer this and keep it short.

Do we want to start with the torn up stomach or the sleeping disorderS? I dont know if Id call if a fear of intimacy, more like the inability to be intimate. I gave up drinking because I was afraid that I would abuse it, luckily I am now allergic to alcohol. The not wanting to get near people while wanting someone near, oh the confusion. The wanting to melt into the background and not be seen or noticed. The panic of being slightly restrained or held. How about the... oh, the answer is YES.

Depression, Anxiety, IBS, Obessive Compulsive behavior, short term and long term memory problems, confusion with sexuality, wanting a "best friend" but being scared of having one. The list goes on but like I have read from other brothers here once you put one step forward they will start to drop off one by one.

You are not alone. We are here to help because we understand.

Hello. I have been in hospital three times since start dealing of this, each time some because of physical illness causing me to not eat or drink enough, causing dehydration. Two months ago, I end up in hospital with bleed in my stomach, my doctor think it caused of so much throwing up and not able to eat or drink at all. I do have depression and very bad panick attacks that include even to hallucinate and to lose time, lose of myself. Also almost always have headaches now, since I start dealing of this, and hurt some in my body as well. I hope that whatever happens at you, you get help and are well.

Physical Ailments for many of us men here at Malesurvivor has become the norm in our lives some due to the direct effects of the abuse and some as after effects of the abuse.

I for one have problems sleeping which i now am on Ambien to help me sleep.I also now have spinal conditions which are permanent, one of these being a plate and four screws to keep my neck together as a direct effect of my abuse by my abuser which has taken hold as an after effect.Eating for me consists of usually one meal a day being evening meal i could care less about food abuser was a culinary chef.Depression is a direct effect of the abuse and like i said already sleeping for me only exists with medication due to my abuse happening more at night then any other time.

One of these days in my life i would like to lick all these ailments and the direct after efects of the abuse however,for now i will learn to live with it and try to make it my best friend so i can work with it instead of fight it.I personally have found that if you fight these things it only gets worse,i have found i need to accept all of these and have learned how to cope with them as they remain,don't know if this is the best way to deal with all these effects but this is the way i learned to cope and deal with the SA.