Midnight 51: I am sorry for what has brought you to us but and very glad you are here.
Yeh I have had trouble sleeping, focusing on day to day stuff, alcoholism, heroin addiction, bulimia, anorexia, lying, cheating, obsessive compulsive behavior, distrust and anger at authority and society and so on and so on.
But one by one they fall by the wayside and as they do it gets easier to cope and feel good about yourself. It sounds trite but it really does happen. I am impatient and therefore I try to rush things. And that can screw me up a lot of times.
Nathan: Ulcers are caused by bacteria and can be cured very simply now. Get to a Doc my brother. No more cutting out some of the stomach or taking Zantac. Do it ok.
David: Curry and Red Wine. My god you are a masochist at heart. Why dont you try apple juice and steamed atlantic salmon instead. Nah. Then you would not be you. Just go easy on the stuff ok.