Courtesy call!

Courtesy call!


Just had a telephone call from the policeman at witness protection!

It was the same one that I spoke to a couple of days after the court case ended!

He enquired how I was getting on, and if I'd made any progress with my appeal

I was genuinely concerned at the end result, and asked what had happened! Poor bloke!

I gave him both barrels of what had happened, how the top judge would take no responsibility for the trial judge. How the trial judge fobbed me off on to an underling because he didn't want to communicate with the plebian masses. How the CPS were so slow to respond with their final answer. How my final appeal to the attorney general was discounted because they don't work bank holidays.

I also (again) expressed my extreme disgust that fowler was allowed to walk out of court as 'an elderly gentleman answering for indiscretions' - not as a convicted paedophile. I told him how that made me disgusted at the defence barrister (would she like elderly gentlemen to commit indiscretions aginst her kids) for making such a statement. Disgusted at the judge and prosecution barrister for not challenging this description.

I also told him that I was disgusted that I never got to talk to CPS of prosecution barrister before the trial took place. My quote - 'you don't go into battle without checking your weapons first'.

Once again he agreed with everything that I said!

I've needed to vent this out to a 'live person' for weeks. Thankfully, today this witness protection officer gave me an opportunity to do that. Somebody within the system actually cares about what happens.

He is going to speak to the policeman that I first told! They are going to keep the pressure on!

One of the other crazy things that came out of the conversation, was that 'Parole officers cannot do anything else because it was a suspended sentence, and not custodial'. Previously the head judge told me 'despite it being a suspended sentence, it is a custodial one'.

Arse and elbow!

I'm glad this policeman called - I feel so much better for venting!

If anyone expects you to take second best, don't let them - we are worth so much more than that!

Best wishes....Rik

firstly he is a convicted pedo, I cannot understand why the judge did not put him on probation, maybe his age had something to do with it.

Sounds like you are getting merely lip service off the cops.
Demand a debriefing from the cps barrister, that at least would give you a chance to find out what the judge was going on.

The cps are interested in one thing only, case open, case closed.
That barrister should have talked with you on possible grounds for appeal, maybe on point of law etc.

Unfortunately, newspapers are loathe to take up stories like this, but if he did it again, then they will be crying out for your story.

Like you, and others here, we cannot get around what happened that day, it is indiscribable.
What sort of message is it sending out to perps and survivors!

If anyone expects you to take second best, don't let them - we are worth so much more than that!
Totally agree,


The only thing the CPS are worried about is hitting government set targets under budget, I soon learnt that justice has nothing to do with actual justice, its all to do with money hence the often quoted CPS phrase "It would not be in the public interest" that is what the remaining twenty witnesses at Jonathan Kings trial were told when the case collapsed at the begining of the second trial, its a chaep option to leave the accusations "on file", I was also told the same thing at Rob Randalls trial as he had held his hand up and admitted that he has abused a teenage boy, this was under the suggestion of his defence team to keep me out of the witness box and linking him to Denning and King.

Out of three perps I gave interviews to the police I have still to have my day in court that is why I am persuing the others.

Take it easy

"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"
Kirk is so right, I worked for the government, and I know just how much money figures in everything they do.

We live in a country where a guy gets life for setting fire to a skip.
There is no justice, and you are testimony to that.

When the judge gets his allocation sheet for prison space, his hands are pretty much tied around his neck.
You can expect jail for no TV licence, or fail to pay taxes, but not for the more serious offences.

Its in your interest to find out what the Hell the judge was thinking.
Demand a debriefing from the cps barrister, surely you have that right.


I think it's worth stressing what Ste has suggested. The CPS barrister seems to be crucial here.

I am shocked to read this in Ste's post:

When the judge gets his allocation sheet for prison space, his hands are pretty much tied around his neck.
I believe it, I believe it!!!! But imagine, prison space is "budgeted" now? So if you send up a few murderers for life you have to back off on the pedophiles that follow them into your courtroom?

The older I get the more I realize that everything in this world revolves around power and money, lies and deceit, cover ups and politics.

It's enough to make anyone sick, I feel like I need to vent now.

Hang in there Rick and Kirk, we are behind you guys and we are proud that you are standing up and speaking out.

Wouldn't it be cool if we could all get together and have a rally, maybe they would pay attention to us then, hell the stats are one in six, that means there are a lot of us walking around this planet.

it may be good for you to send your story to UK survivor groups like swindon survivor.

You could also get in touch with Phoenix survivors, run by Shy Keenan, but beware she has to deal with spam from perps who she has hurt, and pro-pedo nuts.

Its worth a shot, because newspapers wont touch this stuff unless its sensational, get the picture!

I'm trying to get to a point where I have chilled out, put everything into perspective, so that I can concentrate on putting all of my complaints into one killer letter!

I may have to hire an aeroplane and drop leaflets around fleet street!!

Maybe we should try approaching someone like Richard Branson, and suggesting that he produces a newspaper that only contains comments from people that have genuine grievances against the law/ government etc. Give a real voice to the masses! This would need to be a newspaper with zero political connections! I know that I would buy it ahead of all the bullshit red top / broadsheet newspapers that we currently have to read!

Best wishes ....Rik

*PS if any of us sent a letter to RB, you would not need to address the envelope, it would find it's way there anyway! More to the point is who would read it when it reached it's destination??

Should we look at the list of the richest people (financially) in the country and ask them to spend some of their millions seeking justice for the abused?

Bono could be a start... because we have something in common! He sang that he 'still hadn't found what he was looking for'.... neither have I , I'm looking for justice!

dont worry, the courts are on a roll.
Just read that an elderly gentleman with a weak heart has been imprisoned.

What for?

For not paying council tax.

It is such a comfort to know we are being protected by the courts from dangerous criminals like him :mad:


Yes and a young bloke got jailed for giving an off duty policewoman a quick smack on the arse on a night out!

The courts are really good at identifying serious crime!

Nothing surprises me anymore!

Human rights laws that only seem to protect those who deny others their human rights! Not to mention that the Prime Minister's wife makes a fortune from those same laws!

Maybe one day the lunatics will not run the asylum!

Best wishes ...Rik