control vs. love
I've found that caring for myself goes hand in hand with caring for others. I don't really trust myself first, but trust myself at the same time that I trust another. This is something that I've only recently internalized. My wife has been telling me this for years, directly and indirectly.Give up the control.
Self pity, wallowing in feeling sorry for myself, living a life of shame as Lyrrads wife would say. When ever I do that, that becomes what I have to give. There is no love in that, plenty of hurt, abuse and ultimately, walls of lies , vengence and masks. Sure, everything is fine as long as you don't ask me about my pain, or tell me about your pain, so I can feel guilty and resent you. My "inner child" wants retribution,wants the perfect childhood full of love and nurturing that he is sure everyone else had. Because he refuses to see anyone else's pain. If he did he would realize that even the "normal" ones (aka non abused)had a "perfect" childhood.
My inner child is an inner brat (albeit an abused inner brat)He's vindictive toward the people around him, and they arent the ones who abused him. But they want love and he'll be damned ifhe will give up control of his love. Give me love first, in the form of anger, and if you are not angry, I can make you beby shutting down. But you are only getting scared and that's good cause I was scared, back then. Give me love, angry love like dad or pathetic needy love like mom. Either way it is misery.
I am learning to love and be loved as an adult, and that's good enough for me. When my friend Al refuses to accept that I'm afraid of my wife as an excuse that I can use to feel helpless, to become helpless, that's love from Al.I've lived in retreat from love for too long.
Self pity, wallowing in feeling sorry for myself, living a life of shame as Lyrrads wife would say. When ever I do that, that becomes what I have to give. There is no love in that, plenty of hurt, abuse and ultimately, walls of lies , vengence and masks. Sure, everything is fine as long as you don't ask me about my pain, or tell me about your pain, so I can feel guilty and resent you. My "inner child" wants retribution,wants the perfect childhood full of love and nurturing that he is sure everyone else had. Because he refuses to see anyone else's pain. If he did he would realize that even the "normal" ones (aka non abused)had a "perfect" childhood.
My inner child is an inner brat (albeit an abused inner brat)He's vindictive toward the people around him, and they arent the ones who abused him. But they want love and he'll be damned ifhe will give up control of his love. Give me love first, in the form of anger, and if you are not angry, I can make you beby shutting down. But you are only getting scared and that's good cause I was scared, back then. Give me love, angry love like dad or pathetic needy love like mom. Either way it is misery.
I am learning to love and be loved as an adult, and that's good enough for me. When my friend Al refuses to accept that I'm afraid of my wife as an excuse that I can use to feel helpless, to become helpless, that's love from Al.I've lived in retreat from love for too long.