don't know the right way to say this. But I have learned that some perps do care about their victims, but many or most do not. For a very long time I thought I was a freak 'cause I still care very much about my victim. But I was too sick and twisted before to realize the full extent of how my victim would be hurt by the abuse. I pray for the young man every day, that he's healing, that he's happy, that perhaps he will one day be able to forgive me the way that I've heard of.
Hello RangerJ19:
I am being triggered something fierce right now by the above. Please don't misunderstand. I am very glad you brought this all up. I think I needed to hear from someone who has the perspective of being both a survivor and a perp. So even though I am in full panic mode right now, and may have to hurry off the computer, I want to thank you very much for sharing. Like I said, I am being triggered but I still need to discuss this now.
Perhaps I will PM you and go into a little more detail if you don't mind. But there are a couple of things I need to say and I think I should say them publicly so that maybe they help Puppy and some of the other guys here.
First, because Puppy, I and a few others are relatively new members here, we may have missed some of your earlier posts where you went into greater detail about your situation. So in order to avoid making you retell the story (unless, you're comfortable with that) would you kindly point us to whatever post you think we need to see. I know I personally would need to know the circumstances of the abuse you caused before rushing to any snap judgements. Okay? Does that make sense?
Also, let me explain why I quoted the above section from your post. ON SOME LEVEL I THINK MOST OF US HERE HAVE A FORGIVENESS FANTASY. One of my perps was my own brother. And he was very sick mentally, so on some level I could fantasize about him forgiving me and me forgiving him and we would all hold hands and sing "Kumbaye, My Lord."
My brother is dead. A married man who molested me is also dead (so I found out recently much to my relief for the young men of my old hometown). And the other two perps--well, I don't know but I hope they are dead too!!!!
All the same, I think most guys here want a magic answer to the question, "Why?" Puppy it's only natural to want an answer to that queston--but you are right. There is no good answer! There never is. There never can be.
RangerJ19, please forgive this long-winded posting. What I am trying to say is that it is so hard for me, a total stranger, to hear you speak of your victim and speak of the prayers and kind thoughts you have for him. Not because I doubt your sincerity. But because on some level it's every survivor's fantasy, like I said. Don't we want all our abusers to hurt over us, to pray for us, to kick themselves every day? In the back of our minds, don't we all fantasize about that at some point in our healing journey?
The difference with you, of course, is that you are doing the hard work. Praying for him is a genuine act. And a good thing! But hearing about your victim even being in your head so much...I don't know how else to explain it. I just feel icky when you talk about him that way. And I just feel frightened that he might have a forgiveness fantasy too. Like me. Like maybe other guys here.
Am I making sense? Does anyone else know what I mean about this "forgiveness fantasy"?
Wow! I managed to stay here right through a panic attack and complete my thoughts! Pretty good, huh?
Take care,
P.S. Maybe one of the guys here who is in a 12 step program can clue me in. Isn't there something in one of the steps about making amends? But only if it doesn't cause harm? I think this is exactly the kind of situation that may be meant by that. Anyone else agree?