Confronting ONE of my abusers

Confronting ONE of my abusers


Yesterday I did something that I thought I would never acheive, I confonted one Jonathan King.

This putrid peice of perversion abused me during the early seventies as did friends of his.

King was released on parole this Tuesday just gone 03/29 and what a performance we were given on his release, one report of the many can be read here:

A second can be read here:,,2-2005141835,00.html

These are only two of the reports it was blanket coverage through all media outlets here in the UK. He was a respected pop music impressario but now he is a convicted child abuser.

Having been in close contact and interviewed by the press and differing Radio Stations. I was the asked by The Sun newspaper if I would like to confront him if it could be arranged. Over the last eight months I have looked regularly at the advice on this site for Confronting Your Abuser and I have to say it worked a treat.

I managed somehow to remain polite, focused and determined to face the man that buggered me when I was fifteen in 1971. I was however supported by two photographers and three big hitting journalists that fired questions at him, he had nowhere to run, he was like a rabbit caught in headlights. I said what I wanted to say adding that he is a great danger to any teenage boy walking the planet today and with that it was done, he looked shit scared gone was the bravado of his release and gone also his trademark lop sided grin he showed on being released halfway through his seven year sentance and our Parole Board have got the cheek to say that King is no longer a danger. What complete arseholes.

The Suns website article reports this event that took place at The Hilton Hotel in Shepheards Bush west London on Wednesday. It can be read here:,,2-2005142435,00.html

The only other thing I can say is this. The confontation was the most massive feeling of empowerment I have ever felt and I susupect it was that feeling that drove me home to make my point without loosing the plot, the point I never got to make within a court of law, and boy does it feel good.

So I have to thank you all for supporting me through my time here, I think its about time I joined. One member of MS needs a special mention and that is Lloydy who lives twenty minutes away from me, when I was in crisis ten days ago he called and talked me down, unfortunately he wasnt quick enough to stop me self harming for the first time in years, but it had to be done as I was so angry that I came really close to hitting the vodka again and I really didnt want to go down that road again after being ten years sober and (relatively) clean.

I took the power back that King had over me for thirty five years and my closing comment to him was something like "Now your nightmare begins".

Oh yes King has a second home in NYC hopefully he wont return but if he does kick up a right stink and save your teenage boys.

I can now also use my proper name at long last.

Here for you guys

Kirk aka Archnut

I am glad you had the courage to go through with the confrontation, it is the only footage that I would want to see of this sick pervert.

I could not watch the news because of this, I did not want to see that ugly f**k, grinning and claiming he is innocent.

I wonder just how many, did not come forward, and have kept it silent for their own reasons?

He is still a danger, and he always will be, because he is in so much denial of the harm that he can do with boys in this age range.

It wont be too long before he is back to his old tricks, as he will have all the same contacts, that he always had.

A seven year sentence, then serving less than three, is an insult to those kids, they got life, and had their lives taken away, for being totally innocent, the law stinks, and I hope that there is no technicality, because technically to me, he should be locked up for life, with his cronies.

It is true that the evilest of these perverts, are the very ones who deny that it is wrong to do these things to kids, and believe that they are somehow doing good.

I am glad you had your day, and you did not damage yourself, with a bit of luck he will be disgraced, everywhere he goes, and shamed into submission.

I dont want to see the ugly bastard again, or I will smash the TV,

I wish you better times,

Kirk - well proud of you. I only posted my real name once's Eric!
Kirk - just to add - I actually saw the smarmy **** on television.

How he can be released after only serving half a sentence I do not know. Everyone in the rest of the world, you may not know that JK justified his actions because he said that 'they were old enough to make a mature decision'. He did not show one drop of remorse - they should serve a full sentence anyway, but if they cannot even show remorse, does that mean that any sentence for any crime is only going to be half of what it should be.

We have a general election coming up very shortly - I will vote for anyone that jails these pervs and makes them serve the full sentence (I would even contribute to a political party that would lock them up & throw away the key...*unless it was something like the BNP).

I also saw some grotesque perv (friend of JK) justifying the events & stating that JK should never have been jailed.

*As a 'pop mogul' he also made over 2m whilst in jail! Give it to the victims or relevant charities (Child Line / MIND). At least make him pay for his board and keep whilst he is in there.

Kirk - you have supported me when I need it....if you need payback, it's here..Eric
Kirk, I am so sorry for what happend to you. I just read the arcticle on this sick pervert that abused you. The lack of remorse and totaly depraved thinking astonishes me still. The bastard that abused me horribley from age 4-12 has never admitted to doing harm. I confronted him at the age of 15, The pain and anger were unbarable to me. I told him he had commited a crime against me. The bastard procceded to tell me "I dont know what the big deal is" why do you make such a fuss" He said he was doing me a favor,because he was educating me and after all he did these things because he loved me". Here I was writhing in paing and wanting to die, and he thought he had done me some sort of favor!!! These are some sick individuals. I was so enraged and in shock at his lack of humanity and remorse, I told him he wouldnt get away with it. A couple of years later he molested my 5yr old niece and that was it We had him arrested and I testified against him in court he was convicted and did 3 1/2 years in prison, when he got out We sued him in civil court and demanded compensation, he owned a home and he had to sell it and pay me damages. I also requested he be deported, since he was not a citizen and that was also granted. That was very gratifing to me and very healing. I was able to make him pay. But he still never appologized all along he said it wasn't as bad as I made it out to be, that is mind bogling. To me, I am 35 and am still dealing with the after affects, I have post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders and other problems that I will have to suffer with. These monsters need to get the message that SA is a destroyer of children and they must be dealt with severe measures. I don't know what the laws are like in England but I pray that you have civil legal recorse so he doesn't get to flaunt in the faces of his victims the 2 million pounds he so proudly boasts of.
Best regards, Dan

Great you found the strength to confront him. I saw lots of his ugly mug on the TV this week and felt such anger that he was let out on parole. I love the image of him looking like a rabbit in the headlights and not being so sickeningly smug. Good for you. I am sorry his release was so painful for you and glad you had Lloydy to support you. I used to self-harm myself and it still feels tempting when things are rough. Glad you managed to stay sober; great work all round.

Well done Kirk!

Bet it felt good, however scary, to finally face him and tell the truth, even though he tried to deny it all, which is typical of abusers!

I lost your phone number, otherwise I would have called on that night to make sure you were ok, but damn good to see you fighting back and making some noise

Stay safe mate

Steve Survivors Swindon
Kirk & everyone else -

I have just read an article in the Sunday Mirror (at my Sisters) written by a columnist called 'Stotty'. The article 'King of Fools' seems to imply that the only think jonathon king did wrong, was to mouth off on his release.

The article can be found at

I have sent an e-mail to the Sunday Mirror complaining about the article & requesting an apology for the thousands of victims of these perverts. Maybe a few more of you could do the same.

I would have added the full article here, but am not sure if that is allowed as I could be breaching copyright. If it is OK to add the article here, someone please let me know & I will do.

Best wishes ...Rik
Hi Rik and thanks.

I have just sent him one as well it reads:

Dear Mr.Stott

I read your article featured in the latest edition of the Sunday Mirror where you made the claim that "it is easy for young men to claim some 20 to 30 years later their lives were blighted by King".

Sir. Nothing is easy for a survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) you are so wrong and appear to be totally ignorant of the effects that CSA can have on the survivor of such acts. I am no longer a young man as I am nearing fifty and for most of my adult life I was trapped in a nightmare world of chronic alcoholism and drug addiction.

However I do not balme my abusers (King, Randall and Chris denning + 1) for my addictions as there are a great many alcoholics running through the male line of my family. I have looked at the evidence of a genetic flaw in my make up through my interests in Archaeology, forensics and genetics and I have to say that whatever happened to me in early life I would have become alcoholic regardless but I think it is safe to say that my abuse did not cause my addictions but I think you would agree that the abuse did not help.

From the age of sixteen at least I was a chronic alcoholic up untill 1994 after spending yet more time in a local psychiatric unit after a third suicide attempt where I was prescribed Electro Convulsive Therapy as my consultant thought I was suffering from clinical depression, it was but unbeknown to me or him was my hidden Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and that would not reveal itself in full untill Gary Glitter was arrested for downloading child porn. Why Glitter?

When I heard of Glitters arrest two things sprang into my mind, firstly the Bell record label and secondly possibly the most prolific child abuser the UK has ever seen the ex Radio One deejay Chris Denning (who is currently living in exile in Slovakia after being deprted from the Czech republic). I was two months into my archaeology degree at Birmingham university as a mature student (I was expelled from school at the time I was being actively and regularly abused by Chris Denning by the end of my three year course I was a physical and mental wreck becuase of the paedophilia that was nearing saturation point in the media, it was also the time of the North Wales Childrens Home Scandal and the concluding Waterhouse Report. I suffered a breakdown just before sitting my final year exams because I had read of a report in The Guardianm of Dennings arrest for abusing and filming boys as young as ten, he was sentanced to three years imprisonment.

Also metioned within that report was assistance from the National Criminal Intelligence Service in securing Dennings arrest and conviction. Beacuse of my breakdown i recieved my agerotat BA In Arcaheology in 2001. Itwas then that I decided to disclose all to the police via NCIS, it was either that, go insane or try to commit suicide for the fourth time, it was easy for me to come forward, at that time, I had no choice.

Mr. Stott if you really think it is easy for survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse to come forward you are seriously deluded and you need psychiatric help, no doubt you will be able to afford that support whereas the survivors of CSA have no such support system to speak of. It is usually a crisis that brings about disclosure and im pretty sure that is the case for 99.9% of those who do disclose a number of years or decades after the event. But then again you may have been well and truely groomed by King like The Guardians Jon Ronson or The Observers Lynn Barber, you are all adults what chance did a homeless fifteen year old boy have?

I am willing to open a dialouge with you but I expect no reply, but it would be nice to recieve one none the less. I have shown you courtesy I hope you will show the same courtesy to email me a reply or feel free to telephone me on ***** ******. Thanks for your time

I await you reply

Kirk McIntyre

Stotts email address at The Sunday mirror is:

[email protected]
I just sent this on as well, what a Monday morning feeling he will have!

I would like to profoundly complain about the columnist richard stott and his article about jonathan king. Kings' re-entry into the limelight, more like his road to HELL.

Quote "Which is a pity, because there is a real debate to be had over his case... the reliability of evidence decades after the offence and the imposition of the morality of one age on another. In the 1960s and 70s pop stars having sex with underage groupies was commonplace."

In this, he is trying to say it was morally right to abuse under age kids because it was done in the 60's. I was 10yo when I was abused by a savage, but you know what, you never forget it, and it is always fresh in my mind.

Quote "It is easy and convenient for young men to claim some 20 to 30 years later that their lives were blighted by King. Most of his victims were plied with presents and, on their own admission, kept coming back and never complained."

Underage sex causes so many life long problems, and King took advantage of underaged kids, and then tried to blame it on them for wanting it.
Even if they did come back, was it not extremely evil for him to have perverted their lives in this hideous way?

Quote "There is no doubt he was guilty, but so were scores of others in those heady, sweaty, less judgmental times."

"Seven years was a vicious sentence when compared with Sarah Payne's killer Roy Whiting who only received four years for an earlier attack on an eight-year-old girl in which he kidnapped and threatened her with a knife and rope before indecently assaulting her."

Yes, there were scores of others, but it does not single him out as being innocent of hideous crimes against these innocent kids. How many did not come forward? How many took their own lives? Because that is what child abuse does.

Even a life sentence will never address the pain and anguish of a survivor of abuse, the scars are for life, and all of these kids have had a life sentence thrust on them from an evil pervert.

He has no right to compare another sentence with the one King got, as he clearly does not know the facts.

Quote "I suspect the Parole Board shared this view because King was released at the first opportunity, even though he has shown no remorse - usually the first demand if parole is to be granted."

Get your facts right stotty, I did. His parole officer speaking on radio 2
said he is an evil man, who has never shown an ounce of remorse over what he has done.
She also said that she could not understand how the parole board could ever consider parole under these circumstances.

Quote "By his hopelessly over-the- top act outside prison, King insured he would not only bring down a wholly predictable torrent of abuse on his head, but also that there would be no chance of any rational argument about the real concerns his case raises."

This I will agree with, he has no rational thought in him, and he has no treatment to stop him abusing again, and he will, at the earliest opportunity.

Boyhood child abuse is seriously under reported to authorities, and all these kids carry the silence throughout their sorry lives. Nobody, but nobody has the right to take away a kids childhood for their own perverse needs.

To take it away, and then blame the kid, is indeed just what these perverts do, and it can keep the silence going, because they will tell the kid, that nobody will believe them.

There is a serious lack of therapists to treat survivors of boyhood abuse in this country, and most other countries, and it is seriously understudied, because of the secrecy the kids hold.

Time has shown, that a serial child abuser, can get through hundreds of boys, before ever being detected, and it causes a huge strain on society, as many of these boys will be anti social and become criminals, or alcoholics, or even worse, end up needing psychiatric counselling, which I have to undergo.

On the good side however, the limited research suggests that 80% of abused boys' never go on to abuse others, and instead become very protective of children.

I demand an apology from this mr stott, as he has not got his journalism right, and he puts the wrong thoughts in the minds of your readers, by saying that it was right and proper for king to have done these things to the innocent.

I would also like you to print an article with links to male survivor resources in your website.

I can furnish you with all the material that you need on this topic,

and further more, it will not cost a penny, but it would make people aware of just how big a problem this is, not only for the abused boy, but for all the families who have to live through this nightmare.

I look forward to your reply,

Here is Richard Stotts reply I recieved this morning:

"Thank you for your e mail. It is refreshing at least that you accept your
later alcohol and other problems were not caused by underage abuse. Nor do
I suggest that it was easy for you - what I was saying that it is easy for
people to come forward and retrospectively claim their lives have been
ruined. As I am sure you are aware there have been a number of cases where
false accusations have been made by people who in the first instance fooled
the police with their claims. Of course I am not suggesting you are such a
person and it is clear King did commit the offences. Nonetheless it is true
that a number of the young men - I have no way of knowing if you were one
of them - who accepted him, his presents, his friendship as well as
underage sex. In this they are not alone, it was a normal part of sixties
pop culture. However reprehensible, it was not seen in that way at the
time. I appreciate and understand your feelings about this, but justice is
not justice if it is not dispensed properly even in the most difficult and
unpleasant of cases. Best wishes".

I for one was not showered with presents etc as i was pimped to King by Chris Denning (so there was no need for presents) just as King pimped boys back to Denning plus I never ever returned to kings house again although he maintains that we ALL did.

Thought you guys would like to know that I have started an online petition to get King removed from the BPI (British Phonographic Industry) "Man Of The Year" for 1997. The petition can be found here:

Or you can find a link on my blog site which is:

Please ask you family and friends to sign ... ... Thankyou

Have a good day all

This is the reply I got from him this morning, I will leave it here for your perusal and subsequent comment, I am too upset to even comment on it, the man is a jerk.

To take your last point first. The Parole board said that he has not
offended for nearly 20 years and was most unlikely to do so again. It may
be right or wrong, but that is their view. I have every right to compare
his sentence with others, that is the only way you can judge a sentence and
whether or not it is too lenient or harsh. There is no point in ranting on
about how many lives he has taken, you have no evidence for that and nobody
has suggested it. Next, I never suggested King was innocent, he did, but I
don't. I am saying there is a difference in his offence and those convicted
of child abuse practiced by the likes of Roy Whiting. King was given seven
years because of who he is rather more than what he did. As for the nature
of evidence presented 20 or 30 years later there have been many cases of
accusations that were proved to be wrong or plain straightforweard lies,
usually brought about by people whio have had subsequently unhappy and
unfulfilled lives which they try to blame on others. This is not true in
King's case although great play was made of alcohol abuse and related
issues in court as if this was a consequence of King's abuse. At least one
of the victims now denies that. None of this excuses what he did, but there
are questions about his case that need to be answered and will not be now
because there is no chance of a rational discussion as, sadly, your e mail
proves. Best wishes
Just in from the BBC news website

King loses appeal for costs regarding collapse of second trial

Convicted paedophile Jonathan King has lost a bid to win back costs for an abuse case in which he was cleared.

Pop mogul King was released on parole last week after serving half of a seven-year jail term for four indecent assaults on boys aged 14 and 15.

At the Old Bailey on Tuesday he tried to recover "a substantial figure" he paid to fund another case in which he was acquitted in November 2001.

But a judge turned him down saying King had "brought suspicion on himself".

Protesting innocence

King was jailed in 2001 after being convicted of seducing and abusing boys in a case investigated by Surrey Police.

He had been due to face three more trials but the prosecution elected not to proceed with them after King was jailed.

Attempting to recover his costs over one of these cases on Tuesday, King faced the same judge from the original trial.

Judge David Paget said: "It seems to me that as I recollect the whole of this case and the whole of the indictment, that his conduct did bring suspicion on himself."

King provoked anger after his release from Maidstone Prison last Tuesday by continuing to protest his innocence.

Home Secretary Charles Clarke was among those who condemned King's comments.

We win round two but there is another round to come!


Jasper Gerard, makes a far more responsible view of the king of perversity.

Make sure you read page 2, I really wish he could stand at election, the interview finally sees the cracks appearing.,,2092-1551820_2,00.html

here is evidence from the past worth a read

I am now going to wash my hands.
Kirk & Steve - I've had zero response.

One of my comments was that 'When someone starts to defend these perverts, I start asking more questions'.

What other conclusion could I make?

I don't mean people that professionally attempt to realign their behaviour - I mean people that outright defend them above their victims!

How on earth can the Editor of the Sunday Mirror justify employing Mr Stott?

Best wishes ...Rik
I don't think there is a problem posting what I sent - here it is!

Dear Sir / Madam - how on earth can Stotty even attempt to justify the activities of jonathon king.

It is not acceptable to imply that what he did was ok because: 'in the 1960s and 70s popstars having sex with groupies was common place'.

It is not acceptable to imply that his sentence should have been less because:'Sarah Payne's killer only received 4 years for an earlier attack'. It's a completely different case and one where the sentence was obviously too lenient - have a go at the judge that passed the sentence - don't use it to justify king.

It is not easy for boys to come forward 20 or 30 years later - do you know how terrified the victims of these perverts are? Do you know how these perverts groom their victims so that they almost always remain silent?

There is absolutely no way that any responsible adult could attempt to justify the actions of jonathon king.

I don't know if stotty has any children or not, however would any of your staff members allow their teenage sons to go and stay the night with king? I think not.

I am always suspicious of anyone that attempts to defend these perverts - it makes me ask additional questions.

What rational argument and real concerns does Stotty think could exist in this case?

The only thing that I find questionable, is the fact that parole was allowed to this pervert when he still claims that he has done nothing wrong.

Stotty - do you seriously believe that? If not I suggest that you ammend your column, adding an apology to the thousands of victims created by these monsters.

E.***** - if printed, please do not print my name as I have a court case pending against one of these perverts. Let me tell you it is neither easy or convenient for me to do this.

firstly send your email to [email protected]
his personal email address.

The whole case of king disturbs me deeply, not because of this heinous individual, but the fact that he was given parole in unknown circumstances.

Also the man was part of a pedophile ring, and how deep that goes in also unknown, probably the ones involved helped to get king released.

Stott has no right on earth to compare different cases, he is not a judge and he does not have any say on judgement of individuals.

Stott implies that it was OK in these times to do these things and it was commonplace, even if that was the case, they were committing very serious offences against the innocent, and the law then stated a minimum age of 21 years

He is saying that it was OK then but not OK now, was it OK in 1890 yes it was, but not now, anyone can draw conclusions to that, and just as ever, it still goes on.

Stott says that evidence from 30yrs ago should be dead, why? Boys cannot fake evidence of actual events and be so descriptive of his home etc, without being there.

Then there is the honey pot, where the boys came back for more, maybe they did, maybe they were homeless of destitute, and had no way of living, so he had them in his trap.

The key thing here, is the amount of lives he has ruined or even taken, for his own lust and greed.

I just hope that this ruins king, and he ends up in a mental wing, I hope he is hounded everywhere he goes as the evil pervert he is.

Mr Stott and the daily mirror, has a duty to protect children, and not glorify or defend the abuser. I asked mr stott to add a column in his paper for victims of abuse to find help, but he declined,

take care,

This link is the best I have found so far,

King of shits,


This is some of the stuff found on kings site, I do not suppose he will put what I wrote on his boards though :mad:

Author: Caimin, Apr/7/2005 15:50:32

Hi All, JK - it's really none of my business, but I'm very curious. I notice that you say that you are 100% innocent, and I'm just wondering what you mean by that. Do you mean that you have done nothing *morally* wrong - i.e the boys you had sex with were underage legally, but were able to make their own decisions - it was just that the age of consent was higher then than it is now, or do you mean that the offenses for which you were convicted never actually happened?

The age of consent was 21, so they were at least 7years too young to give it

Author: JK, Apr/10/2005 13:46:48

Yes there are only a handful of negatives mostly brain dead so we don't put them up and several coming from the same source at a tabloid paper! As expected. Low in originality... high in bile!

Author: JK, Apr/10/2005 09:12:04

Actually I haven't sold many CD's for ages anyway and don't expect to now. But the new world enables people appealing to smaller, specialist areas to sell quite a lot through websites and specialist retail. Watch this space... not just for me but for many other talented but impoverished artistes!

Get a job

Author: author 213 122, Apr/10/2005 13:42:34

good luck JK... i believe you are innocent and I think it's about time others did too. Soon the media will start spotting some of the gaping holes in your prosecution. Then youre in clover!

Author: toocritical , Apr/5/2005 10:02:07

How dare you ask the public for thier money? You really are mentally cracked. Why don't you get a job as a cleaner or something if no one else will hire you? That's what everyone else has to do - work, and work hard. That's life and you have have brought your own misfortune on yourself. Where's your pension? Why are you asking for our money? Any decent human being with a heart and brain that functions normally would give any money they could to a charity or people that really DO need it, people who are homeless, parentless, orphans, Amnesty International, Childline, RSCP, Christian Aid, Cancer Research ETC. I am shocked, stunned & angry that you could so publicly ask your fans for thier money, please explain to me/us what exactly you want it for?? To put out more dire records? I genuinely want to know what you need the money for. I can barely afford to pay my rent etc. and I work 9am - 6pm and get the average wage for a 25 yr old. Please suprise me. The one thing you have said that has given me an inkling of positivity about you is the kind words you said re. The Pope. p.s what are you views on gary glitter?

I'm deeply concerned....
Author: Annie Wallace, Apr/4/2005 02:12:23

... about the feeding frenzy the "press" are having on JK. If what he says is true, then it's all matter of how you view human sexuality.

This presentation of JK as some kind of predatory monster makes my skin crawl, but there doesn't seem any way the media will see sense.

I'm referring to the "News of the World"'s sick interview with a "victim". Now of course I'm not privy to the whole truth, but it all seems like a rampant case of homophobia gone bad to me.

In the light of Jonathan's conviction, one wonders if if Michael Jackson has a hope in hell. And having said THAT, how Matthew Kelly escaped his lying tormentors.

A very worrying time for those of us who respect humanist values.

Michael Jackson is Innocent
Author: JK, Apr/2/2005 15:59:12

Or am I wrong? Do we now consider someone guilty unless they can prove their innocence? Rhetorical question? of course we do. That?s the result of us in the media who love a good story (and STAR ISN?T A CHILD MOLESTER is a non story? or is it?). But give the guy the benefit of the doubt. And I add one thing? if he IS found guilty, it doesn?t mean he is so. Many an innocent person has been wrongly convicted in the USA as well as the UK.
I Have read his website "Your Views" section everyday for five years, he has deleated the earlier stuff where he likened all of us, his survivors to the lunatics that flew those aircraft into the WTC on 9/11, strange that my counselling started on 9/11 and Kings trial started on 9/10 so Im never ever likely to forget those dates - Kirk