Complaint from Perv!! What a joke!

Complaint from Perv!! What a joke!


Midweek I had a telephone call from the Police, stating that my abuser had complained through official channels that: 'I was discussing him within the local community, trying to drum up support against him'.

I gave an official response - it's the best laugh I've had all week. I wondered when the dirty tricks would start, but thought they would at least wait until we got to court.

You may remember me telling you that when he was in court charged with abusing me, the details were printed in our local community newspaper on page 3 (delivered free to every home in the town).

This led to another 'survivor' coming forward and he was recently charged with new offences against this other person. I thought the local reporter must have missed court that day as there was nothing in the free paper about it that week, or the next.

One day after 'officially' responding to his complaint, I came home from work to find the free paper for this week in my letter box.

Guess who made the star topic on the front page? Ha Ha HA. Complain about that!

The only downside is that it's now confirmed in my mind that he was active for some time.

I don't believe that I was first (1969). The new charges are from nearly a decade later. I feel sorry for all of those other boys out there that may be suffering in the dark.

What I console myself with is that I am finally the one that has stopped him in his tracks. I've allowed at least one other person to come forward and ease their mind. Now he has made front page news, maybe others will come forward.

Why on earth do I want to discuss him locally - I am currently anonymous to the community (although people are probably playing a guessing game).

My time has come! ....Rik
Rik, the only thing I know for sure about these monsters is, they abuse many, and I mean many kids.

It is good that someone else came forward, but what about the others!

It shows just how much they keep the others in silence, but I do hope more come forward.

His age will go for him, and he may get a lighter sentence, but if he is denying it to the court, then he will sure get a stiff sentence if the court finds him guilty.

His lawyers will have told him that, and while his initial denial may have been accepted, it becomes harder as more come forward.

Good luck,

Great news Rik.

"maybe others will come forward".

Very likely

"Instigate change, as it appears it wont come naturally in our cause. Sometimes it needs a little forcing".
Validation from others is very powerful. Good for you!! The exposure he is receiving is wonderful.
Peace - John
Congratulations, Rik, I wish that I had exposed my 8th grade teacher earlier. Probably everyone is dead by now.
At least I got my letter in the mail to him yesterday. I don't know if he'll even respond.
I'm celebrating with you, though.

Hi Rik, sounds like you pushed a snowball, off a hill. As it gets going it gets bigger and bigger. I think this guy is likely to get buried.

He has nothing to complain about. I don't know about anyone else's community, but where I live, there is actually a "convicted sexual offender" website where their photograph and all details on their conviction are listed including their current address.

Furthermore, every public school is given a flyer to place in a prominent area of the office. Offenders are not allowed to live within a boundary zone of a public school (and the boundaries are getting further and further by the year). Parents are encouraged to report anyone living within that zone. If an offender violates that zone he/she risks being thrown into jail.

I think that the public NEEDS to be aware and protected in your community from him. I, for one, would want to know as a parent to protect my children.


Poor perp! He thinks he has it rough now - wait until he is convicted and faces time in prison.

The complaint you got sounds typical "officialese". He has officially complained, the police therefore officially have to pass this on to you, and so forth. I would just be careful, however, about anything you say that may be thrown back in your face in court.

Good luck,
Thanks everyone - I'm not a 12 year old kid anymore (although I retain some of my childish ways). I can deal with him now that I am a man - can he deal with me?

When I heard this complaint, that was the point at which I knew I was winning!!!

*SD - he's not convicted yet.

Another concern that I have is that it will now drag on into next year. As each survivor comes forward, it adds time as the police rightly want to link all of the accusations together as one.

Well what's another year...1969 - 200?

This is for all of us!

Best wishes ...Rik
dude all i can say is i'm smiling really big with you !kick his ass man !in court of course lol

there is one judge he has to meet yet.
You can tell the guy anything you want, but hey he is a real judge.

He has a way of dealing with wolves amongst his lambs, and you have already wounded your prey.
Just as he preyed on you.

If you saved one kid from a life of misery, then it was all worth it, forget prison, he is now in his own prison.

Keep up the good work, pressure pressure pressure, they dont like it!!

I admire your strength and determination.
Just for awareness - this post was bumped back up from August last year! The case actually finished with a conviction, March 17th this year!

Thanks for your supportive comments though.

best wishes ..Rik
Which is of course, CHEATING!! Dude I wasted some finger power typing that!

I will check dates on your future posts now Rick :D
Melliferal - I've had a strange few days and needed a laugh! Your comments have given me that...thanks!

JZ - I didn't bump it back up, it was SMB, so thanks for your continuing support & also thanks to SMB for reminding me how much I have 'really progressed' since then...I needed a reminder!

Thanks to everyone...don't know what I would do without you!

Best wishes ...Rik