Common fears

Common fears


This topic keeps getting thrown about in all of the forums, but is it any wonder it happens!
It is our old enemy "mistrust", and all the issues surrounding it.

I so much had to find out the hard way, on how to trust anybody I met, especially when I was a vulnerable child.
I guess I was very suspicious of friendships as a kid.

One part of me cried out to have many friends, and the other side of me, just wanted total isolation from others, in case they hurt, or break down some fragile trust he put in others.

I guess we have to get back to the way we post, and not forget that posting or replying to messages is pretty much a two dimensional World for us all.

We do not have the luxury of sitting in a room together and talking about how we feel, and see how hurt another member is, Larry reminded me of this, but I guess it is always in the back of my mind.

If somebody is posting hurt, how do I feel the hurt he is feeling?
I dont, I cant, so I do my best to make this reply to them.

I guess I am guilty of holding onto my little boy fears, and maybe not sharing fears of others.
I am pretty much getting lost in translation here, and mainly down to dialogue, or should I really say, lack of it.

Guess I sometimes get so weary of always fighting within my mind,

trust has always been an issue for me. i never realized why until i started dealing with my past
which by the way i had completely blocked out of my mind i soon became aware of all my "sub system" safety nets which i think were in place so i couldnt be hurt again but all they did was keep me from being truely happy i might be the only one who thinks this way but i dont think trust is the real issue! i believe fear is the ultimate issue for me atleast. once you face your fears and realize you were foolish to be fearfull it is truely liberating i personally have told anybody who will listen what happened to me and each time i do i take away some of the control he had over me it is awesome
you are right at what you are saying, but you are geeting there to trust yourself. You are on the road to beleve in you and also to trust yourself. See wringting as you are maybe you dont see this now. But you are trusting us as to respond to you and you can make your own mind about whatever.

Take care

It will take you time reality to be safe in yourself and to trust others. See I am learning myself how to trust others and care for them.

Some peoplle i cant trust and will never trust and its ok like this, others i can trust at 30 per cent and its ok like this, others i can trust 90 per cent and that also is ok.

Take care

I was so fearful of epening myself up and becoming vulnerable. When I finally told my wife about my sexual fantasies I had to turn out the lights so that she couldn't see me. I was shaking. But I found that with safe people I could open up without being shamed or laughed at and it is really a great blessing to have this freedom - to be myself on the outside as I am on the inside.
I found safe people in my family and in my SLAA and Alanon meetings. Oldguy