comming back to life

comming back to life


WARNING from ModTeam, September 2013: user "Shado
todat is my last day at my job ,its hard to see it go but i guess change has got to happen ,it takes big changes to slolve big problems. been listening to pink floyd ,they have a song called comming back to life ,in a week i'll be in rehab ,i hope its the beginning of comming back to life for me. adam

Many hugs and good wishes for you while you do rehab. Also best wishes on the employment aspect when you're ready to get a job.

I've been so impressed with your honesty and courage, and have come to count you as a friend.


Lots of love,

you are in my thoughts and prayers. i love floyd, though i can't think of that song at the moment. anyway, you are on your way now. hang in there, it will get better in time.

I wish you all the luck in the world in rehab. It's never easy, but man, once you are free from all the crap you just won't believe the difference in your life.

Much love,
Dear Adam --

That is amazing. Congratulations on a really courageous step. It's amazing what a difference getting that stuff out of the way can make to your life. It sounds like you are making space for recovery. All the best, j

we will all be thinking good thoughts and you will get there, we all know you will.

Every step counts remember, and if its not tailored to what you can stand, get out, but keep yourself safe,

thanks guys ,i know that you could tell me a million good reasons to get help ,and all those reasons been there all along,like meth is gonna kill me someday or its not good to drug out my problems,but the only reason i need to do it is for something that wasnt there before.when life just totaly sucks its easy to find more reasons not to live than it is to go on,if your alone you only got to answer to yourself and that guy dont give a shit about anything .the reason i found is that people care,and i'm finding out it just might be as hard to deal with that as it is to deal with being alone. i have to say that lots of times when i been here i have been stoned on meth and now i have to wonder if i could be the same person without it are the things guys say they see in me really me or just me on drugs? if soimebody says something cool to me i wanna feel it ! without the drugs in between me and what i feel,shit i been doing it so long i might not have a clue who i will be without it.what happens on this site is so important that i need to be straight or i dont deserve to be here. it sucks to post something that i think is my innermost stuff ,then wonder if its just me on meth or to post something like the story about the racoon ten minutes after shooting up ,somehow it takes away from it for me. i might not make it through who knows but i would like to say that i will try for all the people here who by caring about me forced me to see that this is about more than just me .adam

Actually, it IS about you and that's the reason to get clean. That's what a teacher of mine told me years ago: "Live your life or lose it."

But the loss can stop short of death. And there the question is this: Why should you settle for less than what you deserve out of life? Why should you BE less than all you can be, or enjoy less, or love less? Why should abuse continue to take from you?

All of us see so much good and value in you Adam, and if you go off to rehab knowing we are all pulling for you that will be just fine by us.

If you want to do something for us, just focus on being Adam and breaking him free from this harsh master.

Much love,