thanks guys ,i know that you could tell me a million good reasons to get help ,and all those reasons been there all along,like meth is gonna kill me someday or its not good to drug out my problems,but the only reason i need to do it is for something that wasnt there before.when life just totaly sucks its easy to find more reasons not to live than it is to go on,if your alone you only got to answer to yourself and that guy dont give a shit about anything .the reason i found is that people care,and i'm finding out it just might be as hard to deal with that as it is to deal with being alone. i have to say that lots of times when i been here i have been stoned on meth and now i have to wonder if i could be the same person without it are the things guys say they see in me really me or just me on drugs? if soimebody says something cool to me i wanna feel it ! without the drugs in between me and what i feel,shit i been doing it so long i might not have a clue who i will be without it.what happens on this site is so important that i need to be straight or i dont deserve to be here. it sucks to post something that i think is my innermost stuff ,then wonder if its just me on meth or to post something like the story about the racoon ten minutes after shooting up ,somehow it takes away from it for me. i might not make it through who knows but i would like to say that i will try for all the people here who by caring about me forced me to see that this is about more than just me .adam