Commendations for Roadrunner

Commendations for Roadrunner
Larry knows just the right words to say to me when I need strength and encouragement. I can always rely on you for support in my healing processl


When i first came to this site, i was a complete mess. One of the first people to help was Larry.
The day i met Larry and his dog Bruno, was a great privilege for me.
He has helped me in so many ways, and for that i can never thank him enough.

Thank you Larry
This is well deserved praise and I agree that you've always given excellent comments and helpful guidance.

Thanks Larry
Three Cheers for Larry hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray.
Thank you for all you do :D
Here Here! Many thanks Larry. I often come here and read postings, forgetting to sign in. But you always seem to know the right thing to say. You're voice is like a beacon of light in the dark. Thanks thanks and ever...
Larry, I am late on this, but I am joining the voices. Alexey
Thankyou roadrunner