CNN Show on Abuse of Children in Romania CAUTION MAY BE A SEVERE TRIGGER FOR SOME

CNN Show on Abuse of Children in Romania CAUTION MAY BE A SEVERE TRIGGER FOR SOME

Mike Church



Did anyone see the CNN report( on Sunday I think that actually showed fathers and brothers selling their children younger siblings to men for sex in exchange for cash. I was so shocked and disgusted that I turned it off after a few minutes. I realize that Romania is a very poor country but my god. I turned it off when the narrator (english I think) queried the relative pimps and children to see if they had any qualms or anger about it. The fathers and brothers said it was not big deal but uniformley said that they had not told the mothers. They also said that they did not know how the children felt about it.
One 14 year old said that he did not really like it. I JUST CANNOT BELIEVE THIS.
Missed it...but its been an problem for many years now over there..... :mad:
A lot of documentaries do the rounds of tv channels, and this sounds like one that was shown on UK tv a short time back, I think it ended up in Italy where refugees were selling their own children ?

Same one or not, it was tough to watch.
A big problem is that it's happening in a lot of European countries that have a lot of 'illegal' refugees - especially the UK where they come for our health care and inability to stop them entering, and unwillingness to send them back.

We're a tolerant bunch over here, but it's wearing thin and causing huge problems. The nature of being illegal leaves them with no choice but to engage in illegal activities to live, so drugs, prostitution, including children, has become a big issue. A normally quiet town not far from me had a huge riot recently between locals and Iraqi refugees.
And I suppose the Chinese 'illegals' who drowned while cockle picking ( for about $2 a day ) made the international news.

Nothing makes it right, but while the world's in the state it is then nothing much will change.
The big problem is that it makes the illegal activities more acceptable by the fact that they become commonplace.
And in the same way that pedo's go to Thailand or wherever and 'justify' what they do by saying "well it's what they do isn't it ?" - the same thing happens here eventually when Albanian kids are walking the streets being pimped by their parents.

sadly, this happens all the time, everywhere, even here.

I could go on about the children abused by fathers, stepfathers, and boyfriends while the mothers ignore it because they're emotionally or financially dependant on them, but I won't. It's old hat.

I could go on about children who are sexually assaulted by child care providers who are enabled by administrators who'd rather deny there's a problem or fear the bad press out of these situations, but I won't.

Instead, what about the foreign children who are smuggled in here from Eastern Europe, Mexico, Asia, or the Caribbean for perverted, disgusting businessmen or "respectable members of the community" to use because nobody sees them and nobody cares about them?

What about kids who are pimped out by their loser parents to feed a drug, alcohol, or gambling addiction?

What about children so emotionally starved that they'll peddle themselves for attention from an adult who pretends to care but doesn't give one sweet shit?

There's a tragedy on every streetcorner in every neighborhood in the U.S. And nobody cares.

Nobody cares at all, and that's the shame and horror of it all.

Hey Mike - I have three Romanian children with this background on my present patient caseload! I did not see the CNN report but suppose from what I nkow you can believe it's happening!

Makes you kinda MMAAAAAADDDDDDDDDD!!! don't it?

Same is true in Russia. It is perhaps some better now. But I remember when I was smaller, and my coach, when he was abusing me, he tell me that if i tell anyone, they will not believe me, and will maybe take me away from my mom and send me to orphanige. And I remember thinking then, him abusing me was better then that. Because we would hear the stories of children in there, how they would be 'pimped' out I guess. I know of one in my home city that was finally closed down by government because of that. Evil is universal thing.
