


Recently I was reading that risk is a major contributor to longevity. Those who seek and accept the results of risk are immunized from certain common traumas. If they survive the results of their failures, they tend to live longer.

I use to be quite a risk taker. Back in those days, most of my risks made me a stronger person. The failures were often more profitable than the successes. But I am older now and not all that interested in the lessons of failure. At this point in life it is important to make things work as intended. Education, experience, and need should be guiding factors in assessing acceptable risk.

The greatest risk at my time of life is inaction. A series of minor risks might be a far more healthy option than no risk at all. By the same token, excessive or ill-considered chances are not reasonable. Jumping off a cliff might raise my adrenaline levels in a beneficial way, but it would play hell with my blood pressure, not to mention my skull.

Sometime things just have to be changed. Every once in a while I have to step out of my old life and start anew. It is a difficult and painful process. Several time I have had to give up everything that couldnt be carried in a backpack. The last time I was so physically weak that even the backpack wasnt an option.

Yet here I am. Stronger than yesterday. Looking forward to tomorrow.

The sexual abuse in my youth insured that I would have difficulties throughout all of my life. I am fortunate to have found ways to deal with those problems. The problems wont go away. But I can deal with them. Every time something happens that unbalances me, I find a way to return in a stronger form. I get beaten really, REALLY low, but I come back stronger and better.

It is an odd setup of failure and progress that I have to live with. A necessary part of the progress is in the risk. At the lowest points I have to take a leap of faith. Faith in the idea that something in my spirit KNOWS the better course of action. It gets harder to follow my internal light, as I grow older. But the necessity is even more pronounced.

Take some chances. Risk is healthy even when it causes pain. Forgive, forget, let go. Chance is good!

Wow Aden,

Just yesterday my boss and I had a discussion about what I am going through right now. He in a sense told me the same thing! He told me that I must take the risk in facing my past and how the sa has affected me and try and not let the fear get in the way. He also told me to not be the victim any longer. Without risk there is no gain. Easier said than done, at least for me, but I am trying. Great post Aden.


Thanks for the post, buddy. I needed to read this at this time in my life. I've always been afraid of taking risks, always settling for the tried and true.