CBS Early Show on Female Abusers

CBS Early Show on Female Abusers


I received this request from Robert Powell, who works with the CBS Early Show:

"CBS News is working on a story about female sex offenders. We are looking to speak with men who were sexually abused as children or teenagers by a female teacher, babysitter, neighbor, or family friend [not a relative]. We would like to hear your stories and how such abuse has affected your life. Our story will look at public perceptions of female sex offenders is there a double standard for how we treat female vs. male offenders and how this impacts their victims. Our story will air on the CBS Early Show. Participation is voluntary. All personal information and identities will be kept completely confidential. Please e-mail or call CBS News producer Robert Powell for more information about participating in our story:
Phone: (212) 975-5928
E-mail: [email protected]"

You may also email me, here, or call me if you have any questions: 212-864-0951

Murray Schane